Friday, September 14, 2012


Summer is nearly over! We have had such a wonderful one. So many new things have happened. We have been so busy! And I didnt even take time to share. I started a new job the end of July. I absolutely LOVE it! I am able to be creative and interact with people over 3 feet tall. I only work part time, so I still get to be home with my kids and run my home business. That is going well too. Kind of slacked in the summer months, but picking up again! My daughter started jk last week. It has been a huge change for all of us. She has done so well. She is my little rock star! She had a rough day yesterday and developed the sniffles, so I let her have today off and were having a pyjama day! We all need those once in a while. My son is doing great! Growing like a weed and getting into everything. This past week he finally decided to eat with a spoon. It has been such a struggle getting him to try new foods and I am so glad he is giving them a try! Well, I just thought Id check in finally! Such a slacker on my blog!
Bree's first day of school!

Kayden :) 18 months old!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

OMG Im such a SLACKER!

OMG! I havent written in so long. I havent forgotten, Ive just been so busy. I launched my own home business in the New Year. ERIKAS KUSTOM KREATIONS Handmade items from... beanies, bows, slippers, etc... Find my page on facebook :) As well these two kids have been keeping me super busy. Breeanna is talking up a storm. She is registered for school and has her 3rd orientation next month. It is hard to fathom my baby will be starting school! Kayden is walking and talking and has ALOT of teeth. They are amazing and my world! We have been keeping busy making this house a home. We will be here 1 year this week! I am so happy things have worked out so well. We just love it here and hope to be here a very long time! We have been doing alot of work outside- gardens, fences, kids play area, dog pen and hoping for a veggie garden and small hobby farm. I want chickens and fresh eggs sooooo bad! Anywho... I jus thought Id drop by and say hi and let you know were all alive and well. Kayden has a check up next week, so I will do a follow up then. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Happy New Year!

It has been a good start to the year. I cant believe we are already one week in!

Kayden's 1st Christmas
Boxing Day 2011

In one month, my baby boy will be one year old. Where has the time gone? I did up his birthday invites yesterday. It felt as if it were yesterday that he was still wiggling around in my belly. Kayen is growing so much and doing so many new things. He crawls everywhere, and fast. He pulls himself up at everything and walks around the room. He has taken a couple steps going from one peice of furniture to another. He loves balls and cars and anything with wheels. He loves board books, mainly to chew on them and throw them. He has 6 teeth and he has a seventh that keeps trying to make an appearance but hasnt popped through yet. He is wearing clothes that range in size from 18 months to a toddler size one. I just cant fathom how huge he is! He is eating much more which I am really happy about. Cookies, crackers, a variety of pureed foods. He still isnt a fan of vegetables, just sweet potatoes, squash and pumpkin. He loves anything orange! Weird? He and his sister have already started battling it out. They fight over toys and yell at each other. Bree goes and hides from him most of the time. He bites her and pulls her hair. What a bully! He says a few things... dada, baba, bubba, and yells and screams to have himself heard. He also grunts at you and tries to have a contest and out grunt you. He is nuts! He goes next month for his one year well check. It will be interesting to see how he is doing. He is a big guy!

Christmas Eve 2011

Breeanna is doing exceptionally well. She just keeps busy each day with reading, colouring, playing, etc. She talks so much and says full sentences most of the time. She talks our ears off, but she sort of holds back with others. She has become very independent and likes to do alot of things herself. It kind of saddens me that she doesnt need me to as much. But it also makes me super proud at the same time! She has been in a gymnastics/dance class. She does awesome in dance, listens so well. It comes to end this week as she only had a few classes. The full season is a ridiculous price. I will be sure to enroll her in some day camps there though. I think I might get her into swimming as well. I want her to do some sort of activity and have her be around other kids. Its just some programs are so expensive! I dont see how they justify the cost for a three year old? She loves to "sing" amd play music. She is pretty entertaining! I know she will do something in music or the arts when she is older.

Well, thats about all I have to report on for now. Next month will be a busy one!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Jelly Beans

My biggest Jelly Bean turned three this past week. Where on Earth did the time go? It feels just like yesterday I read that stick with the 2 lines. I was putting her baby room together. I was feeling her wiggle in my belly. I was in hospital working on getting her out... But here I am with a three year old. How did that happen?!

Breeanna May
Just a few hours old December 8th 2008

On her birthday I decorated the house with balloons. She was super excited when she saw them all. I made her a heart shaped pancake. We made her cake the day before together, so she asked for cake for breakfast. Well, how could I refuse?

What would you like for your birthday breakfast Bree?
"Frog cake"!

I set her up at the table with her "frog cake" and a spoon. She ate alot of icing, I was afraid she'd be sick. But she was ok! She then discovered her presents in the living room, "oooh, whats that"? she asked and then started ripping into them. She got an animal sticker book and a bathtime My Little Pony. After her finally going potty a couple weeks ago, I promised her a pony! So be it :) We didnt have anything set in stone on what we were doing for her birthday. The hubs stayed home so we could have a fun day together. We went to the mall to hang out and look around. We got her a new umbrella stroller and she got to ride around in style! We had fries and a pop in the food court. We looked at some jewellery and accessories, but we think she is too young for that kind of stuff just yet! Santa was at the mall, so we paid him a visit. The kids wanted no part of him on their own, so we sat with them and got a nice family picture! We then headed over to the pet store. We intended to just look around and say hi to all the little critters. But we ended up getting her two fishies and princess accessories for their fish bowl. We then went home to relax and got her pizza for her birthday dinner. It was a nice day all around.

On Saturday, we had a birthday party for her. Everyone we invited came, so we had a house full! Bree was shy at first, hiding out under her art easle in the playroom. But she realized they were here for her and to party! We mingled, played, had snacks and stuff. As soon as I put the birthday presents down, she was really happy. She got a Barbie and handmade clothes for it, pyjamas, a drum/keyboard set, princess play clothes, art supplies, a pretty Christmas dress, a camera... She did very well! We are very thankful that her birthday party was a success and for all the wonderful gifts and love she recieved!

My three year old!

Kayden is doing amazingly well! He is 10 months old now. He is such a big boy, I still cant get over how big he is?! He is growing out of so many of his clothes. His wardrobe is getting bare. I sure hope he gets clothes for Christmas. He has been getting up between 5-6am in the morning now. Crazy man! At first, I was not impressed. But now Im used to it... He is a happy boy in the morning, so its not so bad. I get alot more done and have time to myself. Some mornings Im amazed by what I accomplish before the sun wakes up! He can crawl like a champ, its scary how fast he is! This past week he has started standing up at things. When he first started doing it, I was so scared he was gonna hurt himself. He has taken some tumbles, but he just shakes it off. Boys are so tough! He is eating much more which makes me very happy. He is fussy though and likes the "gourmet organic" food. and all things orange... Pumpkin, squash, carrot, sweet potato, etc. He isnt a fan of anything green, or the meat and veggie medleys. But can I blame him? Ive tasted them, and its disgusting!! I need to get a new food processor and do up real food for him. He likes toast, puffs and cookies as well, and gnawing on things like celery sticks and pickles. What a guy, eh?

Look at what Kayden can do!

Christmas is fast approaching, less than 2 weeks to go. Ah! We are about half done with shopping. I hope to get it all done by this weeks end. Then next week we can just relax and make cookies and crafts. After seeing Bree rip into gifts on her birthday, I am really excited for Christmas. We have 3 different Christmas' to attend, so it should be fun!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It has been a busy month. Sorry for my lack of blogging.

We have been busy preparing for winter and the holidays. The outside looks very bare. We have yet to get snow. It has snowed here twice, for about 30 seconds. Breeanna saw it and said "ho, ho, ho". I am not a winter person at all, so it can stay away as long as it wants. We are gearing up for Bree's 3rd birthday and the Christmas holidays. Oh what fun it will be this year!

Breeanna and Kayden
November 2011

Kayden is one busy boy. He is army crawling everywhere. There is no stopping him now. Well there is with doors and baby gates. He can crawl on hands and knees about 4 times, then he drops. Thats alot of work! He can sit on his bum like a big boy. He is also trying to pull himself up on stuff. He has gotten himself stuck in some places. He has 6 teeth now, I started losing count as to which days he got them. Once one came in they all popped up! He is making lots of noise, and we swear he says "Momma". He smiles and giggles on demand and is ticklish everywhere! He had his 9 month check up. He is over 20 pounds in weight and 29 inches tall. Everything checked out perfect. Im so blessed that both kids have had no health problems. He got his flu shot, and did worse with that than any of his other shots. Poor guy! He still loves Mickey Mouse, Rio and Tangled. He will have a fit if his shows arent on sometimes. He loves books, balls and cars. What a good boy! He is now into 12-18 month sized clothes. Its crazy! There are so many clothes he didnt even get to wear. And he had like 6 pairs of shoes he never got to wear cuz his feet are so big! He still isnt eating much and its driving me crazy. He will eat a couple spoons of veggie or fruit. Gnaws on pickles and cookies. He drinks plenty of formula. And he doesnt care for juice or water. I just cant get over how fussy he is. I for sure thought he was gonna be a big eater cuz he is such a big boy.

Kayden 9 months old
"This is what I think of peas and carrots"

Breeanna is growing like a weed. She goes through growth spurts. All of her size 2 pants are way too short, like she is ready for a flood. But her size 3's are too big in the waist. Thank goodness for expandable waist bands in most pairs. She looks so cute when she is dressed in some pants and tops. She looks like a stylish little teeny bopper! She finally had a trim on her hair at a hairshop. Gramma took her one day when she had her. It looks so much better now. Her hair is still so long, I call her my Rapunzel. She is eating better again. There are times she will eat like a little bird and be super fussy. Other times she is constantly nibbling and eating her entire meal. I guess we all have those days. She has been potty training a couple weeks. She has yet to do anything on the potty other than toot. She will sit on it and pretend and push. She has been wearing panties and pull ups and diapers at night. She knows when she has to go, but she does it when she tells us. Cant tell us then hold it until we get her on the potty. Atleast she is showing interest. We have an open door policy, so she comes with me when I go. I get claps and hollars cuz Ive gone potty LOL! It doesnt happen over night, so we will get there. She is talking so much now. It is pretty funny with what she comes out with sometimes. She is learning colours and numbers and is doing pretty good. She just amazes me!

Breeanna May
1 month shy of 3!

Birthday party plans are underway! She will be 3 on December 8th. We are having a party for her the weekend following. I have invited family and friends. I hope we have a good turn out and the weather cooperates. Snacks and playing and gifts and cake. It is a Tinkerbell theme, as we love her!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



This past weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving. We were VERY busy! Breeanna had a birthday party at an orchard Saturday morning. We then had dinner at my husbands mothers that evening. Then we had dinner at my brothers Sunday evening. It was nice to see family and have all the kids play together.

Kayden 8 months

On the 8th Kayden turned 8 months old. I still cant get over how fast the time is going by. He is a BIG BOY!! He must be around 23 lbs or more. I havent weighed him in a while but he is getting heavier everyday. I think by the time he is one or so he and his big sister will weigh the same. Its crazy how siblings can be so different! He continues to sleep all night, which is awesome! I hope its a sleep routine he keeps until he goes to college! He doesnt nap much through the day, but thats fine as long as he sleeps all night. He has two bottom teeth that are fully out now and oh so cute! For a bit he was sucking and chewing on his lip and cutting right through and bleeding. I think he realized what was causing it and stopped, thank goodness! He still chews on everything in sight. I swear he tries to eat even me sometimes! He still isnt eating much food. A couple cookies a day, a few spoonfuls of fruit or cereal. And I try and give him cereal in his formula a couple times a day. He is a LOVER of PICKLES just like his sister. So he gnaws on atleast two of those a day. He isnt crawling on his hands and knees yet but he does the army crawl all over the place. And he doesnt sit very well on his own either. He is just too wiggly and heavy to stay up. He spends his days in his bouncy chair, rocker, exersaucer and creeping all over the floor. Sometimes I fear he is bored and feel bad he does the same thing day in and day out. But he is a baby and before we know it he will be everywhere and into everything. So I guess I better enjoy it while it lasts!


Breeanna is doing great. She is such an independant little girl. And she is so freaking smart- it scares me! She comes out with a bunch of new words each day. Lately her favourite words are FROG, FARM, ANIMALS, AND POOP. Im so proud of that last one... not!!! She is learning colours, she can point out the colour when I ask but she hasnt said the words yet. She just amazes me everyday!

I have been doing alot of sorting and organizing in this house. Today I did a big thing and gave away all my maternity clothes! They dont fit and I wont wear them again, but it was hard letting them go. I nearly teared up after they were gone. They were just a big part of my life and were so cute and comfy. I know if I ever get blessed and have another baby I can just buy more. It just feels like that chapter of my life is over. Ya know?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tooth becomes Teeth!


Kayden- 7.5 months old

Kayden popped his first tooth yesterday which was September 24th. Today he woke with a second tooth! So he has two teeth! His mouth has been driving him (and me) mad for months. Im glad they finally decided to make an appearance. He looks so different with those two little teeth. My not so little boy is growing way too fast!

We also bought him a new car seat. He is pushing the 22 pound mark and is too big for the infant seat. I was getting sick of lugging that thing around anyways. He looks so much more comfortable in the bigger seat.

He is eating much more now. He loves cookies, sweet potatoes, oatmeal cereal and blueberries. Everything else he spits out or makes a face. I cant believe how picky he is!


Breeanna- 2.5 years old

Breeanna is doing well. She is talking so much now. I love that I can have a conversation with her. I can ask her questions and she answers. And she asks for things. I love that we have crossed that barrier. She was getting so frustrated that we didnt understand her. She knew what she was talking about! So I hope we can soon try potty training again. We havent much planned this week, so I think we will start tomorrow.

I am really excited about taking her to the Ilderton Fair next weekend. They have a parade and a bunch of cool events. She didnt really get to appreciate the fair last year. She was too small to do much. This year she will be all over. We are hoping to find a frog this week, and enter her in the frog race. My husband thinks Im crazy. But its things like this that make the best memories!