Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Jelly Beans

My biggest Jelly Bean turned three this past week. Where on Earth did the time go? It feels just like yesterday I read that stick with the 2 lines. I was putting her baby room together. I was feeling her wiggle in my belly. I was in hospital working on getting her out... But here I am with a three year old. How did that happen?!

Breeanna May
Just a few hours old December 8th 2008

On her birthday I decorated the house with balloons. She was super excited when she saw them all. I made her a heart shaped pancake. We made her cake the day before together, so she asked for cake for breakfast. Well, how could I refuse?

What would you like for your birthday breakfast Bree?
"Frog cake"!

I set her up at the table with her "frog cake" and a spoon. She ate alot of icing, I was afraid she'd be sick. But she was ok! She then discovered her presents in the living room, "oooh, whats that"? she asked and then started ripping into them. She got an animal sticker book and a bathtime My Little Pony. After her finally going potty a couple weeks ago, I promised her a pony! So be it :) We didnt have anything set in stone on what we were doing for her birthday. The hubs stayed home so we could have a fun day together. We went to the mall to hang out and look around. We got her a new umbrella stroller and she got to ride around in style! We had fries and a pop in the food court. We looked at some jewellery and accessories, but we think she is too young for that kind of stuff just yet! Santa was at the mall, so we paid him a visit. The kids wanted no part of him on their own, so we sat with them and got a nice family picture! We then headed over to the pet store. We intended to just look around and say hi to all the little critters. But we ended up getting her two fishies and princess accessories for their fish bowl. We then went home to relax and got her pizza for her birthday dinner. It was a nice day all around.

On Saturday, we had a birthday party for her. Everyone we invited came, so we had a house full! Bree was shy at first, hiding out under her art easle in the playroom. But she realized they were here for her and to party! We mingled, played, had snacks and stuff. As soon as I put the birthday presents down, she was really happy. She got a Barbie and handmade clothes for it, pyjamas, a drum/keyboard set, princess play clothes, art supplies, a pretty Christmas dress, a camera... She did very well! We are very thankful that her birthday party was a success and for all the wonderful gifts and love she recieved!

My three year old!

Kayden is doing amazingly well! He is 10 months old now. He is such a big boy, I still cant get over how big he is?! He is growing out of so many of his clothes. His wardrobe is getting bare. I sure hope he gets clothes for Christmas. He has been getting up between 5-6am in the morning now. Crazy man! At first, I was not impressed. But now Im used to it... He is a happy boy in the morning, so its not so bad. I get alot more done and have time to myself. Some mornings Im amazed by what I accomplish before the sun wakes up! He can crawl like a champ, its scary how fast he is! This past week he has started standing up at things. When he first started doing it, I was so scared he was gonna hurt himself. He has taken some tumbles, but he just shakes it off. Boys are so tough! He is eating much more which makes me very happy. He is fussy though and likes the "gourmet organic" food. and all things orange... Pumpkin, squash, carrot, sweet potato, etc. He isnt a fan of anything green, or the meat and veggie medleys. But can I blame him? Ive tasted them, and its disgusting!! I need to get a new food processor and do up real food for him. He likes toast, puffs and cookies as well, and gnawing on things like celery sticks and pickles. What a guy, eh?

Look at what Kayden can do!

Christmas is fast approaching, less than 2 weeks to go. Ah! We are about half done with shopping. I hope to get it all done by this weeks end. Then next week we can just relax and make cookies and crafts. After seeing Bree rip into gifts on her birthday, I am really excited for Christmas. We have 3 different Christmas' to attend, so it should be fun!


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