Monday, January 31, 2011

Will he ever get here?

I have just 1 day until my due date. I was sure I would have had him by now. I was set on the 31st as the day. But that has come and gone. Sleeping is impossible. I just cant get comfortable. And I have a million things racing through my mind. I think I am hungry... I just ate 2 fruit cups. Atleast its healthy! Right now I am having "contractions". The same kind I have been having over a week now. They last about 2 minutes, with about 5 minutes between. But after 40 minutes to an hour later, they stop and I feel fine. One of these times, they will not stop and become more frequent and I will then know it is time. It is just so frustrating not knowing when that time will be. It could be tomorrow, 3 days, next week! Ugh... Atleast with being induced, I knew I was going in to get things moving and Id have a baby soon. Anyways... I have the baby bag packed. Cradle ready, other baby things out and ready for him. I have my stuff laid out to throw in a bag. I have Bree's bag started. I have been cleaning and organizing like crazy. And keeping on top of the laundry. Nesting, much?! I am just so anxious to have him and meet him, and get home with my family of 4. I want to feel "normal". Not be in pain, and waddling around, and not being able to carry my daughter or have a lap for her to sit on. Staying in so much because going out in winter and snow is such a chore and workout. I want to go out and enjoy a walk and shopping trip and not dread it. Hormones arent helping either... Well, thats all for now. I just felt like sharing and getting a few things off my chest. I have a check up Thursday, so if he isnt here by then I hope I get some reassuring news that day. If they offer induction, yes please!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not long now

Not long now...

I am 39 weeks + 2 days pregnant. I had my weekly check up today. I was the first to be seen after lunch. Ive never been in and out so quick. Talk about service! My sample was clear. I gained 4 lbs in 2 weeks, which puts me to 27 lbs gained throughout the pregnancy. My blood pressure was up a bit from last time, but not alot to worry about. Baby boy is head down and engaged, bum sticking out the front and very active. His heartrate was 140 beats per minute. He was kicking and punching all over. We could even hear sloshing around and him mimicking breathing. He makes me so happy and proud, and he isnt even here yet! I was checked internally, and Im happy to report I am already 3-4cm dilated. YAY! Its good to know the pelvic pain and contractions Ive been having this past week were for a reason. The doctor is very happy with my progress. She is confident I will have this baby naturally, likely within the next week. PHEW! What a relief :) Its kind of nerve wracking not knowing exactly when Ill have this baby. But its good I dont have to be induced or have a c-section. Its nice to have good doctors, who listen to your concerns and help follow through with your wishes. Well, time for me to have a lay me down. Since I was examined Ive been quite sore and crampy. Ill keep you posted!


Friday, January 21, 2011

12 days

I have 12 days to go until my due date. I am so ready to have this baby. And I think he is getting ready to come out. He has dropped considerably. I have alot of pressure in the pelvis. Yesterday was a very bad day. It felt like my legs were coming apart from the rest of my body. I did alot of laying and sitting around. Today was a much better day. My weekly appointment was cancelled this week. That sort of bummed me out. I like going every week, to know whats going on and happening in there. They said if I have any concerns to just go to the obstetrical triage at the hospital. Okie dokie... I have been "nesting" when I have the ambition. Washing baby clothes and putting them away. Digging out baby gear- bath, bouncy chair, swing, etc. Its so fun going through this again! But man, kids have alot of stuff. I am just to the point now that I want to have him, be home with my babies, and start this new chapter of my life. And have my body and energy back!

Breeanna is doing awesome! She is talking so much, it sorta scares me :) Its just so amazing what she comes out with. She says her name now, well... Nana LOL Breeanna is a mouthful for a 2 year old. She says thank you all the time. She tells us "bum" when she has gone in her diaper. She takes our hand and leads us to where she wantsto go. Whether its to show us something, get something to eat, get changed, etc. She is just so smart! She loves my belly so much. I ask her where baby is and she lifts my shirt. And out of the blue sometimes she will come over and hug or kiss my belly. She is going to be a rockin' big sister. I cant wait to see how she is with him.

Well, thats all for now. I had time to kill, so why not get my blog on? TTYL

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Less than 3 weeks, maybe?

Well, were heading into the home stretch. I am now into my 38th week. I cant believe it! By this time with Breeanna, I had a date to be induced and knew when she was coming. This time I am planning on a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) so its "go with the flow" and see what happens. I have good days and bad days. Sometimes I have energy and no pain. Other times I have to rest and do nothing. Today, is a good day :) I had my check up a few days ago. Everything is good- urine, blood pressure, fetal movement, etc. I didnt gain any weight in a week, which is ok. Baby was very active and his heart rate was 142 beats per minute. He is head down and has dropped considerably. And get this... I have been measuring at 40 cm since 34 weeks. Well, now that he has dropped, I am on track and measured 37cm at 37 weeks. Go figure?! The doctors are quite impressed I am set on a VBAC. Most patients feel they are "once a c-section always a c-section". But not me. Mine only came about because after 16+ hours in labour I didnt get to the 10cm and baby's heartrate was irregular. I have NO complications this time around, so its worth a shot again. Plus, I will be at term and baby will be ready to come out on his own. If it ends in a c-section, so be it. But atleast I tried, right? I would just love to go natural, get home sooner, have a quicker recovery, etc. Alot of people think a c-section is EASIER. WRONG!! 

Last week, we had a maternity photo shoot done by my sister in law. She did a fantastic job! The pictures turned out wonderful and they will be a great way to remember this pregnancy.

Breeanna is doing great! She keeps me on my toes all day, and thats exhausting. She eats non stop, talks non stop... She hasnt been a fan of keeping a sleep routine, which is trying on my nerves. But we get through it. I think she is getting me ready for when baby boy is here and I will never get to sleep! Well, thats all for now :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Well... Hello 2011!

Well, looky here- its 2011 now.

I slacked on my blogging over the holidays. Due to the craziness of Christmas, birthday, New Years and the fact I was pretty sick! First I had a nasty flu. Got over that, almost... then developed a cold. And the annoying cough is still hanging on.

Anyways... Im back!

36 week baby bump

I am now 36 weeks pregnant. I had my weekly check up at the hospital I will be delivering at today. The doctor I was supposed to get, is on maternity leave herself. So I will have who ever happens to be covering those days. As long as baby and I are being taken care of, thats what matters most to me. I have a "new" due date. It was originally Feb 4th, according to calenders and such. It is now Feb 2nd based on my ultrasounds and the size I am measuring. Ok... Everything is going wonderful! It was a very simple check up as everything is going so good. Baby was wiggling all over, and his heartbeat was 150. My blood pressure and urine sample were great. And I didnt gain anything in the last 2 weeks. Could be due to me feeling under the weather? The doctor didnt seem too concerned. So... I go back next week for my pre admittance meeting, then a check up after that. It so exciting getting closer to the big day. I cant wait to have this baby and meet the little guy!

I have been sorting through baby things from Bree to pass down to this baby. The clothes are so tiny, I cant believe she ever fit in them. The little onesies and sleepers are so cute. And the diapers and bottles are so small. Its amazing how fast they change and grow. We dont need a whole lot, as things from Bree were well taken care of. I would like to see more BLUE :) As well, I have a wishlist of things Id like...

Breast pump
Boppy pillow
Baby monitor
Moby wrap or Snuggli
Just to mention a few things ;)

Breeanna has been doing very well. She is getting back into a routine, thank goodness! The excitement of the holidays, me being sick, and Chris being home more really messed her up. I am so grateful when she goes to bed without a fight and I can have some "me time" before bed. She is talking more and more everyday. Acts like a certain animal each day, today she was a dog. When she is done eating she proclaims, "all done" then dumps the remainder of her plate on the floor. Gotta love her! She is mesmerized by me going to the bathroom. Hopefully this is a sign she may be getting ready to use the potty herself! She loves to sing, tickle us, and give us a high 5. She sure is one of a kind! I love her to bits :)