Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I had my 2 hour glucose test Monday. It was a lenghty test. I had to follow a 3 day diet of carbs and cookies. Nice diet, eh?! Then I had to fast Sunday night through Monday morning. I had blood drawn, then drank the sugary orange glucose drink. After 1 hour I had my blood drawn again. Then at the 2 hour mark, a final blood draw. Today I had my weekly check up. I was nervous, yet hoping the results were good. And as you can see from the header, I PASSED!! Such a relief :) I may have a glucose intolerance sometimes, but not the dreaded gestational diabetes that can occur in pregnancy. I had it with Breeanna and it was not fun. Anyways... I was told to eat whatever I want and enjoy the remainder of my pregnancy! My blood pressure was perfect, traces of nothing in my urine sample, and I gained a 1/2 pound. The doctor listened to baby for a while, and described what we were hearing. The heartbeat (which was 140 beats per minute), sloshing around from his movement as well as him mimicking breathing. What an amazing thing! I now dont see my regular doctor until after the baby is born. I start seeing my new ob/gyn in the New Year. So hopefully, the next 6.5 weeks, are smooth! Thank you all for your support and listening to me :) And if I dont share again within the next few days...

Saturday, December 18, 2010


2 year well check
Breeanna had a great check up yesterday. She is "perfect" (not meaning to brag, but...) I was afraid she would not be cooperative. She was a terror at her 18 month checkup and not much was accomplished. But this time she was soooo good! Bree weighed in at 11kg, or 24.2 lbs- 25% and Im not sure on her exact height, but she was 75%. She is tall and lean, perfect model material already. Her sight, hearing, speech, etc is all spot on. My only concerns were her sleeping habits, and still being on the bottle. But the doctor didnt seem too worried, children do things when theyre ready. She had her seasonal flu shot, and that didnt go very well. She moved too fast when the needle went in, and had to get "shot" a second time for the serum to go in. She SCREAMED! But a sucker and bandaid soon made the pain go away. I am so proud of her :)

33 week check-up
I was seen again, on account of my blood pressure being high last week. This week it was fine. I gained another pound as well. Well, baby did :) I had no ketones, or protein in my sample this week. But sadly, I had glucose :( I am on a "diet" over the weekend, and on Monday I go for my 2 hour glucose test. So I am fearing I may have to be back on insulin for the remainder of this pregnancy too. But what can ya do? Id rather baby and I be healthy and safe. Baby boy was very active as usual. He was head down and kicking all over. His heart rate was 150 beats per minute. And we are measuring at 39 weeks now, WOWSA! I go back next week for another check up! I cannot believe I have 7 weeks, or less now. Eeekkk!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

2 years old and 32 weeks!


Breeanna May turned 2 yesterday. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I gave birth to her. She had a pretty lax day. We were snowed in 3 days from "Snowmageddon". We did make it out to the mall for something to eat and to see Santa. But we didnt get a picture with the jolly old man, as she was scared of him LOL! We had a birthday party for her this past Sunday. She was spoiled, as usual. She goes for her 2 year check up next week. Im anxious to see where her growth is at. She is still a petite little lady, and always will be I think. She is a busy girl, going all day. Somedays she doesnt even nap. I sure like getting that break when she does go down. She loves her books and puzzles. She is so smart! She is growing out of alot of her infant clothes and now fitting into size 2 toddler clothes.

Breeanna May McInnis-2 years old
December 8th 2010

Baby Boy & I

I am now 32 weeks pregnant. I had my bi weekly check up today. Blood pressure was up a bit. So the doctor wants to see me again next week. Could have been from the winter drive, or that I waited so long in the waiting room. But its good she is a very thorough doctor and wants to keep a close eye on me. Baby boy was laying head down, and to the right. His heart beat was at 130 today, a little slower than usual. But he may have just had a nap LOL  I have been feeling great! And he has been very active as usual. Its hard to figure out what is a foot, knee, fist, etc... when he is beating me from the inside out. I have yet to find out when I go for another glucose test. I am supposed to get the paperwork in the mail. But the mail has been delayed on account of our nasty winter weather. So, we shall see...

32 week baby bump!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's December!

I have been well.

We had our first real snow fall yesterday. What a nice start to December! Im not being sarcastic, I was actually looking forward to snow. We usually have it sometime in November, but didnt this year. We werent as hard hit as some places. Must be because were further from the lake now and sort of sheltered in the city. Breeanna loved going out in it, kicking at it and trying to eat it. And I dont think she can figure out why it disappears when its in her warm bare hand. So cute!

She has been a busy girl! She is so full of energy its hard to keep up with her. She is my little book worm! She is saying alot of words now, and very clearly. Its so funny what she comes out with sometimes. She is all about animals and the sounds they make. And lately, she thinks she is a lion. She will crawl around and growl at you! We are having her birthday party Sunday. I have pretty much everything planned out. Just have to do shopping and prepping the day before. We have about 12 people coming. I really hope she has a great day! It is princess themed and everything pink. I found her a cute shirt that says "I am the birthday princess" and Ill have her in her tutu her gramma gave her. I had to put the tutu away because she insisted wearing it all day, even at nap and bedtime!

I have 2 months to go with the pregnancy. Kind of crazy how fast its going by now. We have all that we need pretty much. I just want to get stocked up on diapers and wipes. And I need to sort through clothes that Bree had and clothes people have given us. Its so cute looking at all the newborn and 0-3 month clothing. Its hard to believe theyre ever that tiny! I go next week for a check up, I have them every 2 weeks now. I have not yet heard from my ob/gyn's office as to when I start seeing them .So I will just see my regular doctor every 2 weeks till then. I had my glucose test tuesday, just waiting on results. Im sure everything is fine, as my sugars have been great all along. I just have that fear in the back of my head after what I went through with my first pregnany. It will be nice not to have to worry about that. It is getting harder to get around now. I waddle around, and have to take breaks. Sometimes my pelvis and back really hurt. So I just have to sit or lay down and take it easy. My feet have been swelling too if Im on them too long as well. Oh the joys... Well thats all for now. just thought id give an update!

Friday, November 26, 2010

10 weeks, more or less

I cant believe I am 30 weeks pregnant. That leaves me 10 weeks to go, more or less. Im scared, yet excited at the same time! Yesterday I had my monthly check up. I got the referral to my new doctor at the hospital I will be delivering at. Was asked a gazillion questions! Received a requisition for my glucose test. My sugars have been "perfect" all along, so I hope I pass that test. My blood pressure and weight gain was good- gained 3 lbs in 6 weeks. The doctor measure my belly, at a whopping 36 weeks! I measured big with Bree too, but she was only 7lbs 3oz. I am short and have a short torso so... Baby was wiggling all over, but the doctor was able to feel where he was laying, head down and to the right. His heart rate was 150 beats per minute, and sounded like a gallopping horse! So everything is going wonderfully! I now start going for check ups every 2 weeks, instead of once a month. Its pretty exciting!

29 week belly

Bree is doing awesome as well. She is definetly developing her own personality. She is talking up a storm and comes up with the funniest things. She likes certain dolls and toys. She insists on going outside all the time. We have to hide her coats and shoes so she doesnt constantly try and put them on and go for an "i go".
For a bit there, she wasnt eating much and sleeping lots. I think she was going through a growth spurt. Now she constantly eats! Thank goodness she has her fathers metabolism. She goes in a few weeks for her 2 year check up. I will know then how much she weighs and how long she has gotten. She isnt my baby anymore, she is my little girl. But thankfully, she still has her baby moments where she wants to cuddle. Next weekend is her birthday party, Im pretty excited for that! I just cant believe she will be 2 already. Where has the time gone?!

Monday, November 1, 2010

November, already?

I am so sorry, I cant believe it has been 6 weeks since I posted last. I am just so busy with other things that I dont get the time to sit down and add to this blog.
Breeanna May
Breeanna is 1 week and 1 month away from being a 2 year old. I cant believe it! Where has the time gone? She is no longer a baby, she is my little lady. She amazes us everyday, she is just so smart and sweet. She comes out with a few new words each day. She is all about animal sounds right now, and lately she growls like a big jungle cat. She had gone off the bottle for a while, and was almost drinking no milk at all. But I think she was missing it, and will only drink milk from a bottle. So she has about 2 a day. We really hope by her 2nd birthday she has given them up, as well as the dreaded soother. She has never had a favourite toy or blankie, so I think those are her security items.
We had a wonderful Halloween, she was Pegasus. She did really well at walking door to door getting her treats.


The baby in my belly is doing amazing. I will soon be 27 weeks along, its so hard to believe this pregnancy has gone by so fast! We found out a couple weeks ago that we are expecting a baby BOY! I wasnt sure how I would react to the news, but when I found out, I cried! We will get our million dollar family :) Id just like the million dollars to go along with it!

25 week baby boy bump

Well thats all for now, I promise I will start to try posting at least once a week now.


Friday, September 17, 2010

September 2010

Its been a while...  
Breeanna- 20 months old

Sorry I have been neglecting this blog. Weve just been so busy!

Breeanna turned 21 months. I cant believe that in just a few months she will be 2! Ive already started planning her birthday party in my head. Just trying to decide on a theme... Winnie the Pooh, Princess', or Tinkerbell??? She is growing out of alot of her clothes. She is fitting in size 24 months and size 2 girls. She isnt my baby anymore! She is very tall and looks so grown up. Im thankful for her snuggles and that she is still my baby sometimes. She is talking lots, its so cool having conversations with her. She keeps me laughing all the time with some of the things she comes out with. She loves to flip through her books and point at words and pictures. She loves playing with her building blocks. She has become very loving, giving kisses and hugs. And she is much more ''gentle'' with the animals. We go for many walks and she enjoys that. She just likes being outside and seeing new things. We had a busy month with organizing the house, birthday parties, visits to the fair.  Last week she had a "Fairy Photo Shoot". It was such a fun day and the pictures came out awesome!

   Our little fairy September 11th 2010
Baby in my belly is doing very well. I am 20 weeks already, half way there! I have been getting kicked alot! Its a very active baby. I had my monthly check up yesterday. I am measuring at 21 weeks, blood pressure was perfect, so sugars in my system, and I gained 2 pounds. Baby was wiggling all over, but the doctor finally caught the heart rate, 160 beats per minute. I have been feeling great! Just some back pain and some pressure in my belly once in a while. But its all worth what we get in the end!

16 weeks

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 2010

August 26th 2010

I havent written in so long! August has been a busy, crazy month!

We were so pre occupied looking for a new place to live. We did find a new wonderful home in the city. We moved mid month. It was a crazy time and I was so happy when it was over. We have been doing lots of work to the place. As well as trying to find room for everything.

Breeanna May turned 20 months old this month. I cant believe she is so close to being 2 years old. What happened to my baby? She is walking tons, and running too. Its so funny watching her try. She says so many words now, I have lost count. She is especially fond of B-words. Ball, bird, bottle, bun, bug... She picks up on something new everyday. She smacks her lips, blows kisses, gives high 5, shakes your hand, and tries to whistle. She is just so smart and amazes me everyday! She is moving on up to 24 month clothes. Her shirts are all getting small and her pants short. She has had a growth spurt! She sleeps all night, as usual. And hasnt gotten up through the night in the longest time. She is still in her crib... she hasnt tried escaping so we wont get her a big girl bed until she tries. She has no interest in the potty, but she does know when she is going in her diaper. She would rather sit on the potty with a book, than actually do anything in it LOL!

Baby in my belly is doing very well. It is about the size of an avacado now. Its amazing how fast it grows! I am 17 weeks along now, time seems to fly by all of a sudden. I am showing a bit, but not as much as last time. I think maybe its low and nestled in towards my back. I have been having lots of back and hip pain. Just everything moving around in there and making room. I had my monthly check up last week, and everything is good. I only gained .4 lbs... We were able to find baby very easily this time around and heard the heartbeat. It sounded like a washing mashine swooshing away! Healthy rate of 140 beats her minute.

Well, thats all for now, thought Id update as Ive neglected this blog badly. Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 2010

Sat July 10th

Bad news :(
We received some bad news today, we have to move again! The landlord wants his house back. He wouldnt give details why. But I said we will get out when we can, but were not gonna be homeless. No one seems to help you out or give you a break anymore. So the hunt is on. Id like something smaller and easier to manage. And further north maybe? I like being near the city for the convenience. But Im a small town, country girl at heart.

Wednesday July 14th
I worked the past 2 days. It was nice to get out and see people and use my brain LOL But I dont know how working moms do it? Takes alot of work and patience! I work this weekend as well, but seems more relaxed, even though its the busiest weekend of the season! I just dont have as many duties to do, which is nice for a change.

Just 1 week left and we will get to see our baby for the first time. Im excited yet scared... Scared? I dunno why? I just hope everything is ok! I know it is but you always get the feeling...

Mon July 19th
Sad news :(
Our kitten Hubert has passed away. He snuck outside, and unfortunatly got hit on the road. His femur was fracture and it was just too costly to repair. So I had to make the horrible decision to have him put to sleep. It was one of the hardest things I had to do. He was such an awesome little man, and he will be missed! RIP Hubert Grey

Hubert and Breeanna
RIP lil buddy xo

Wednesday July 21st
Just a few hours left and I will be heading off for my 1st ultrasound. Im so excited to see this baby. Seeing it on screen confirms there is someone inside me! I cant wait :) Ill tell you more later!

I had my ultrasound this evening. I was so excited! We dropped Bree off at my parents for dinner and a visit as Chris and I went to the hospital. They took me in pretty quick, I am very happy lately with appointments happening fast. First the tech had the screen pointed towards her so she could take all the pictures and measurements she needed. It drove me crazy that she was looking at my baby first, and not me! It took a long time for her to get what she needed, as the baby was wiggling and bouncing around so much. She then brought hubs in to see the baby with me. What a wonderful experience! The little thing was bouncing and rolling all over, sucking its little fingers and kicking its little legs. Cute I must say! So we got a couple pictures and were sent on our way. Its so nice to be able to know who is living inside me. I must say, we make cute kids!

Fri June 23rd
3 month check up
Today I went for my 3 month check up. Again, they took me in so quick! I think they are sick of me complaining about waiting 2 hours when I have an APPOINTMENT! As well I am pregnant and hormonal and they dont wanna mess with that! I am down a few pounds, which they frowned upon. I am to gain weight, not lose it at this point. But its summer; Im more active, eating lighter food, and I doubt the stress Ive had lately helps. Pee test and blood pressure were ok. We just discussed how Ive been feeling, thinking etc... everything is good! She tried to get a heartbeat, but baby was so active, it wouldnt stay still long enough to get a count. Crazy little person in there! It was a pretty easy, straight forward visit. As I grow and baby grows, more will be done. Like getting measured and catching that heartbeat. All my bloodwork came back good, and she wants me to test my sugar once in a while to be sure its ok. I go back in a month, I will be 16 weeks then. Crazy, how the time is flying by now!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

March 2010 and beyond


March 18
No net...
What did we do before the internet? You dont truly value something until its gone. We used to write people letters and send them cards. We used to write in journals, play board games, do puzzles in books, and spend alot of time outside. Anyways... I am without internet at home for a while at home. So I will keep a journal on the computer. Bree is doing amazingly well! Now thats its nice out and Spring has sprung, were outside all the time.

March 28
Love you!
There are days, I still cant believe Breeanna is here! She is mine, my daughter, something I created. She just amazes me with how smart she is. She does something new everyday it seems. She has 6 teeth now, She is copying words we say, so we better watch what we do say! She hasnt been eating much lately, but I think its the teeth. Not much else is new... We visited my neice today. Bree was "jealous" in a way when either one of us would pay attention to Audrianne.

April 4
Easter Weekend
Weve had a busy few days- Easter weekend. Chris was off all weekend, so that was nice! Friday, we did things around the house. It was so warm and nice out we took a drive and tried out the new a/c. Bree is very open and vocal in public now. She talks and yodels and waves. I think she thinks everyone we see is there for her. Saturday, we were up early as we were heading to and Easter egg hunt. We collected eggs, entered some draws, etc. She had so much fun! I love doing family outings like that and making memories. We then went to my brothers for dinner. Again, Bree was different around the baby. I think she was so used to being the only grandchild and not having to share the spotlight. Im sure she will get over it in time! The Easter bunny then came Sunday. She got accessories for her dolls and a mini stroller. As well as other treats. Then that afternoon Chris' mom and sister came to visit. Bree got lots of candy and a ball. It was a long day, again and we decided to get Swiss Chalet for dinner. Yum! Bree loved the chicken and potatoes. It was an awesome time celebrating Bree's 2nd Easter.

April 6th
Lil talker!
Bree is so amazing! She talks to us now. Its simple things, but she understands and uses her words. I asked her for a book, and she brought it to me and said, "here". She choked on some juice, and I asked her if she was okay, and she said, "yep"! Its just so cool she comprehends what we say and that she uses her little brain to talk!

Breeanna May- 16 months old

April 26
Been TTC baby #2
Chris and I have been trying for baby #2. It wasnt easy to make Bree and it hasnt been easy this time around either. I never went on birth control after Bree was born, we figured wed chance it as it wasnt easy to have her. Ive been feeling a little off lately... So fingers crossed something happened. We will just wait and see!

April 29
Not pregnant :(
No baby... I was so sure I was just by how I was feeling. I guess it was just some whacky PMS.

May 4
Girls day out
Yesterday Bree and I went to the craft store, to start a few new fun projects. Then picked up lunch at McDonalds and took it to a new park we had heard about. I love it there! So much to do and see. The ponds and variety of birds are my favourite. Today we hung around home. We did go grab a few things at the store. Bree loves taking rides in her new stroller. Tomorrow were going to Gramma and Grampa's for lunch. It will be nice to get out and sharing care of Bree. She has been pretty cranky again if we arent keeping her busy, I think there are more teeth making their way through.

Breeanna May- 17 months old

May 10
Breeanna is so cool! She is doing so much more every day. She is walking alot now. She will hold her own bottle. And she snapped together one of the snaps on her high chair! That little brain of hers is working all the time. Tonight she sat at the table for dinner with no tray like a big girl. We went to dinner last night for Mothers Day, you were hyper but she was good.

May 19
My big girl!
Today Bree got in her swing n rocker all by herself. So now all she gets is the rocker, just too dangerous otherwise. She has become a climber and nearly gives me a heart attack with some of the things she pulls. It was so nice out today that we played out there a while. Bree crawled over and right into her sandbox. She helped Chris fly a kite. It was nice to see them do something like that together!

May 21
New routine
We started a new routine with Bree tonight. Jammies-bottle- bed. She fusses about 10 minutes or so, then falls asleep. I feel bad doing it, but it has to be done. For too long she has stayed up, because weve let her. Kids like routine, but they dont like change. So this may take a week or so, but Im sure before we know it she will look forward to going to bed. Mommy and Daddy need our time at night to unwind and get to bed.

Wednesday May 26th
Cycle day 28, oh period where art thou?
Well, still no AF... this is the longest cycle Ive had in a long time. I got a couple dollar store tests and I am just waiting out the 3 minutes now. Im sure its negative, but you never know! I developed a nasty ear infection over the weekend, so I havent been myself and wasnt really keeping track of the days. I feel bad if I am preggo though, cuz Ive been taking different medications, and Im not sure if theyd affect early pregnancy or not? As well, I drank quite a bit on Sunday night. Oh well... My belly aches and nausea had gone away. But that could just be the usual PMS. I dont think we will ever understand our bodies!

Well... here I go to check...
Well, I dont know! The test line is there and there is a very faint line beside it! Could be a glare or something. I dont know? It is just a cheap test so it could be positive. Ugh! I am hoping it is a super faint line, and I am preggo!! Except now I feel especially bad about the medications and drinking... Oh well, you never know. I had very light lines in the beginning with Bree, so maybe its true! I have another test so I will test with my stronger morning pee tomorrow. Just checking over the directions, it says test line will appear in 3 minutes, then other line within a ten minute range. And that darkness of the line may vary, well its light pink so I think it may be positive! Gonna go look at it some more! Now I am gonna drive myself crazy!! It is a light line, but maybe a fluke? I did drop pee in the wrong slot at first so maybe that messed it up.

I just tried the second test. So the wait begins again... I almost wanna cry thinking of this. I could have a teeny weeny lil jelly bean in me again. I loved being preggo and love being a mom. My baby girl is growng into a little girl, so I am ready for another. Watching her and Audrianne was a handful last week, but its different when its your own child. Bree will get ready for a new sibling and it will be different. I think she will be an amazing big sister. She is so cute with her baby dolls and stuffies and is so good with other kids. She is a bit grabby, but I think she just doesnt know her own strength. Well, Im rambling, and I need to get some sleep. Time to check the second test then get to bed. If its positive, Ill never sleep!!

Well, there is a faint line on the other one too, so... we will see. Ill get a better test in a day or so. Funny, there was a 2nd test in the other box so I will take it in the morning. Weird? Maybe thats a sign and I will have a definite line with the strong morning pee? Ok good night!

Thursday May 27th
Cycle Day 29
Well now, I must say I hate my body! I tested again this am and got another faint line. I dont want to waste money on a good test, and I dont want to get my hopes up. I was already so hopeful, and now what? Ugh...

Well no wondering anymore, I am definetly pregnant! I got a brand name test and the + sign showed up immediatly. I am getting stomach pains and pinches today but could be from the antibiotic. I did have the runs a couple times today. The precautions on the antibiotic say only to use if absolutely necessary while pregnant. Im just gonna continue to take it easy and only use the stuff when needed. I am so happy I just dont know what to do with myself! I woke Chris up to tell him, hugged Bree and told her all about it and I cried a little. She tapped my back and snuggled into me. What a kid! And I wrote Robyn and told her :) About time for a nap soon... Talk later!

I guess I can start writing that I am 4 weeks 1 day pregnant now, instead of cycle day cuz cycle days are over!!

One, of many positive pregnancy tests :)

Fri May 28th
30 days LOL
I finally feel relief with my ear ache. Not as swollen and stingy. I felt some nausea around noon. But eating small frequent meals keeps it at bay. I wish the infection would go away. I hate taking different medications so early in pregnancy. Im sure everything will be fine, I just feel bad about it. Ive been getting little pinches in my belly. Little baby is letting me know its in there. Its amazing! And I love having this little secret. This time around I feel its something for Chris, Bree and I to share. Not for the whole world know know every single detail. I visited my parents today, and felt evil having my own little secret. Im gonna wait to tell until after my first prenatal visit. Ill call Monday to get that set up. I think Chris is afraid, that there will be 4 of us to take care of, 2 kids to juggle... but thats what having a family is all about. We were worried 1 would be hard, but its not so bad. I feel at this point in my life were meant to have kids and make a family and enjoy every moment! I am so anxious to start a room, get Bree a toddler bed, potty train her etc. Just so she is a little more independent. Im already amazed at how much she can do. She will be such fun and a big help Im sure. Im thinking I dont want to know what were having this time around either. It takes all the fun out of it. Id love a boy, Chris would like another girl. I think he thinks a boy will be a little devil like him. Ive already thought of names, Isabella or Kristofer with the middle name Lawryn. Cute! Well, thats all for now, Im ready for bed already!

Sun May 30th
1 month 1 day
I am feeling great! I am so full of energy and Im not sick. I get a little bout of nausea around lunch time, but I just think its cuz Im hungry. Yesterday I helped getting the fence up for our chicken coop. Today and I did some gardening. With Bree I was sick from conception till about 12 weeks. Every pregnancy is different though! I didnt know what to expect the first time around, now I sort of do. Maybe the weight loss has helped too, my body was more prepared? Im gonna call tomorrow to get an appointment set up within the next couple weeks. Im not as anxious to tell people this time around. I like having a secret and its more for the 3 of us to enjoy. All Chris keeps saying is its gonna be harder with 2. And all I can think is it will be fun and challenging, but I want a family. I have no doubts or regrets. This is something I want so bad. I dont want to be 40 having another child. I wanna do it now! And I am :) I think he is just worried how we will handle it financially and that its then alot of pressure on me with 2. But we didnt know what to expect with 1 and its so much fun! Whats another? LOL Anyways... Just a check in check up :)

Thursday June 3rd
5 weeks!
The nausea is setting in. I feel so yucky even the thought of food makes me feel gross. Time to stock up on juice and saltine crackers! Its just a hollow empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had my first prenatal visit Tuesday. Lots of waiting and running around. I had Mussani, she wasnt too bad. Other than the fact she made a loud shocked noise when I said Bree was 18 months old. I think just over 2 years apart in age is good! Took my weight and lots of blood. And I am scheduled June 28th for my full prenatal physical. Then an ultrasound July 21st! Im so excited that it wont be long till we get to see our little bean! Ive only told 2 friends, Robyn and Jen. We plan to start telling family this weekend, then spread the word after that. I know most people will be happy but there will be a few that will likely say, "so soon"! Chris told some people at work... So, thats all for now, gotta go keep Bree entertained!

June 9
18 months old!
Breeanna is 18 months old now. Where has the time gone? She walks about 95% of the time now. And she thinks she can "run" now. Its like watching a drunk duck LOL! Her 12 month pants are getting tight now, but the 18 month ones are still a bit loose. The 18-24 month shirts fit just fine. She has had another growth spurt, seems so tall. Youre still drinking lots of bottles, which is starting to become a concern to me. But you eat lots too, so Im sure its fine. She has her check up next week, so we will se how things are going then.

Breeanna May- 18 months old

Sun June 13th
6 weeks 2 days
Hello! Been busy and havent had time to write. Ive been feeling good. Just have to eat lots in the morning to keep the nausea at bay. We told all our close family and friends, then announced it to the world yesterday. Have recieved lots of positive response. Some people seem shocked. Its not like we just had Breeanna. Chris has already started referring to the baby and Bree as the girls. Hes convinced its a girl. Id love to have a boy. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I think we will find out what we are having before, but its still not 100% sure. I loved the surprise of not knowing then in th end hearing its a ... !

Monday June 14th
Breeanna's 18 month well check
Breeanna had her check up this morning. They sure took their sweet time. Theyre usually pretty quick checking us in. The doctor was behind... but she actually wasnt even there yet! Ugh... Anyways, Bree is a whopping 21lbs 1oz. She is 75cm long and her head was 47.5cm round. Everything else looks great- eyes, ears, nose, hips, etc. Pretty near perfect, but I already knew that! The doctor wants us to cut back on her milk intake. Its fattening, can cause an intolerance to it, and it could cause anemia. But she still eats lots, so I dont see the problem. And she isnt overweight. She had her needles, one in each arm this time. She really wailed from them. Poor baby! So, now she doesnt go back until she is 2, and no more shots until she heads off to school. My baby girl is growing up! She got a sticker for being so good, she was pretty happy with that. I told the doctor Id see her in a couple weeks, and she asked why? Because Im 6 weeks pregnant! She seemed pretty happy. After her check up, we went to my parents for lunch. Bree was super fussy but Im sure it was from the shots and the wait. So we headed home, she napped in the car, then for another couple hours in her bed. Poor baby!

Tuesday June 15th
I definetly feel pregnant today. No energy, cramping, everything smells terrible, tired, nausea, etc. All I wanted to do was lay down. Every smell drove me crazy, either made me mad or sick feeling. Ugh... So I stocked up on air freshners, Id rather smell those than everything else. I was super hungry, but everything I tasted was awful! Chocolate made everything taste better though LOL I had cranps so bad at one point, I was worried. They even made me dizzy. Take it easy on me kid, I can only take so much!

Thursday June 17th
7 weeks!
I am now 7 weeks along. Like I said I definetly feel pregnant. I had hoped this pregnancy was gonna be different than with Bree. I just didnt feel as sick sooner. Im hoping it passes within the next few weeks. I feel great and full of energy when I wake up. Have a tea and toast. But then its about an hour later I start feeling sick and dizzy. I feel bad for Bree cuz I just let her play while I relax. But she seems to keep herself entertained. On another note, Chris got laid off from his work. So the stress of that isnt helping either. He is working with his brother for now. I hope he can land another job soon. Just as things were starting to look up, this happens. Always seems to be that way for us. But things always work out. Well, better go entertain the beans! TTYL

Whered she go?
This morning, Chris thought I had Bree and I thought he had her. Turns out neither of us did and she was missing! She didnt get to far, but gave us both a near heart attack! She made it all the way up the stairs into our bedroom! Crazy girl... we know she can go up the stairs, its the coming or falling down that worries us. Gotta put a leash on that one!

Friday June 18th
Man oh man this morning sickness can go away. I feel fine for about the first hour, then it settles in. Toast, crackers, cheese juice, have to keep eating or I feel the nausea. All I can say is I am glad I am sick like this for a reason. And Im so happy once the afternoon comes around cuz it then finally goes away. I dont remember it being this bad with Bree. BUt I suppose with all pain and sickness, you soon forget about it. Im already thinking of chilbirth again, and Im sort of freaking out. I didnt know what to expect the first time around. And through it all, I did pretty good considering! Cant avoid then inevitable I guess... Yesterday I started rearranging rooms. I think I am gonna make the yellow room the baby room. But we will paint it a different shade of yellow, as it is way too bright! Ill store clothes, toys, etc in there and give Bree some space back in her room. Then get the spare room set up finally. Im not sure if this is nesting, or Im just bored and sick of clutter and rooms having no purpose? Anyways... need to get on with this day! Bye!!

Monday June 21st
So... I have my check up next week, so Ill tell her about it then. Im sure she will tell me what Im telling myself, take it easy! My belly has definatly started to grow. Cant suck it in anymore LOL And stuff is starting to feel tight again. I look forward to getting some cute and comfy maternity wear. I wore a pair of shorts yesterday, but they were quite droopy as the day went on. It was Fathers Day yesterday, we had mom, dad, Darrell, Angie and Audrianne over. It was fun, but alot of work. It was a busy weekend, and Im glad its over. Well, better go hang with Bree and work on some of my knitting.

Wed June 23th
Well, I thought I was sleepy and tripping out. The couch shook and moved, Bree's exersaucer moved, and I heard some banging up stairs. Then I thought one of the cats went wild banging into things. Turned out we had an earthquake! It was somewhere in Quebec and was felt all over Ontario. So I wasnt going crazy, it did really happen! It was a 5.0 magnitude one, and something Id never felt before. Some people felt it, others didnt. I feel special I was one who did!

Fri June 25th
8 weeks!
Now the count is on... it was really dragging ion the beginning now I am already 8 weeks along. Ive still had sickness in the morning and sleepy in the afternoon. I just have to take it easy and get the rest if needed. My belly is bulging, cant suck it in anymore. I definetly feel pregnant.  I feel bad that I dont have the energy to do alot with Bree. I feel Im neglecting her in a way. But she seems happy and entertained. Monday I had my full prenantal check up. I look forward to it to see how things are progressing. Not so much on the pep test though... I wonder if Ill get to hear the heart beat yet? I think she did it at like 10 weeks last time... could be too early yet. Well, thats all for now just thought Id check in!

Mon June 28th
Today I had my full prenatal check up. It wasnt so bad, if they didnt have me wait so long! I had my weight checked, blood pressure, etc. Had a full physical, dont need to go into the details of that. Everything was fine. Everything feels and looks good. Doc said I was measuring about 6-7 weeks, not 8. But could just be I havent popped yet. All my previous bloodwork came back fine. She asked a million routine questions that seemed to take forever. But its good she is so thorough! I go back next month for my monthly check up. And get my first ultrasound as well. So the fun begins...

9 week baby bump #2
Thursday July 1st 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nov 2009- March 2010

My Fairy Princess

Sun Nov 1, 2009

Great 1st Halloween!
We had a great Halloween! Breeanna was a fairy princess, and her costume looked better than I thought. And I was afraid she would destroy it, but she loved it. Princess indeed! We went to some houses in the subdivision near here. One area was very busy, and we came across some very rude parents and kids. So we moved on to a quiter area and did very well. It got hard pushing the stroller everywhere. So Chris and I took turns
holding her and walking up to the door. She got an overflowing bucket of treats, plus some chips and drink boxes. The neatest things she got was a small container of playdo and a pencil. Such neat ideas! She was so good, and enjoyed seeing all the people and decorations. There was one house who had their garage set up as a haunted place. They didnt scare her at all, she just giggled. But a few of the people got me! Fun! We let her play in her pile of goodies when we got home, and I let her have a sucker. Yum! I figured she would be hyper and up for hours, but she fell asleep at regular time. Chris and I watched Saw on tv and ate some of her candy then turned in early too. We set the time back when we went to bed, it was weird getting up at 630am, I wished we could have gone back to bed! Oh well... Today we are going to dinner at Chris' brothers. So I need to get some housework and shopping done before then. I just love how people invite you over, the day of. Not! Housework will still be here tomorrow, and I guess it will be nice to get out for a while.

Thu Nov 5, 2009
Penny sale
Last night Bree and I went with my mom to a penny sale. Its a fundraiser for a church... You buy tickets and put them in prizes you hope to win. My mom always wins, she did 3 times last night. But lucky me finally won something! 2 handmade Christmas stockings and some candles. Something is better than nothing! Bree was sooo good, as usual. She just loves going out and seeing new things and being around people. There was a clown there and she made her a balloon flower. Cute! I had lots of things planned for this morning, we were gonna go to playgroup, then the library. But I just didnt have the get up and go attitude... So I am just working on my piles of laundry instead. Its dark and rainy out there again today, so its good to have a day home to do stuff. We may still go to the library later to return books and get some more! Bree just loves books!! Well, thats about all for now, just thought Id drop a line :)

Sun Nov 8, 2009
Breeanna has turned 11 months today. Where does the time go?! Its gone by way to fast if you ask me. She is doing so much now. She loves her books and certain toys. Im happy she will play by herself now and give me some time to myself. She is so smart, looking at books, getting things to fit, playing with dollies... She just amazes me everyday with each new thing she does. She has been cruising along holding onto things and walking. But she hasnt taken any steps on her own yet. She has tried, but gets too excited and topples over. She is fitting into 12 month clothes now, but still fits in some 6 months stuff. Everything is sized so differently. I think she will soon be graduating to a size 2 shoe, and size 4 diaper. This last month she has hit a growth spurt. She loves to eat, all the time! But its a good thing, and Im happy she tries alot of foods and isnt fussy. She still drinks quite a bit of formula, somedays. I switched to a lower iron one, and she is alot more regular. So, just 1 more month and she will be 1 year old! I have begun planning her party, I have the invites ready to be sent out :) I am excited for the day, to see how she reacts to everything and everyone. I was hoping to take pictures of her and Teddy today, but my camera is on the fritz. I dont know what happened to it?! It will turn on, but beeps at me and focuses in and out then shuts off. Maybe its the battery? Its nearly 2 years old, maybe its just time for a new one? Anyways, I just thought Id share about how my little princess is doing :)

Tue Nov 10, 2009
Wide awake
I was falling asleep on the couch while watching CSI. So I crawled up to bed and was all cozy and warm and back asleep. Chris comes in banging around on his break, and now I am wide awake! I hate that... So I have been playing on here, and I will soon go back to bed with my book. I just hate being wide awake at almost 1am for no good reason. Ugh... Bree is so cute, she whines and whimpers in her sleep. Just like a little puppy dog. I could just watch her for hours!

Wed Nov 11, 2009
Wipe out
I forgot to share the little tumble Breeanna and I took on Sunday. I was carrying her in her seat, into the house. Our side door, you unlock it on the knob, then push hard to open it. Well, Chris had been in and out and the doo was unlocked and ajar. So when I turned and pushed, I tripped and fell in the door! Bree in her seat broke my fall, but I hit my knee hard, and rammed my chest into the handle of the seat. It woke her up, but no harm to her as she was secure in the seat. It didnt hurt much at first, but now I have the wounds to prove it! My knee is badly bruised, as well as my elbow and ribs. Ouch!!

Last night and playgroup
We had a rough night last night, kinda... Bree was asleep by 8pm last night. But she woke up around 1am, just a screaming! I changed her and fed her some bottle. Then cuddled her in bed a while. Then put her back to bed. But then she was up at 630am for good. So we were up and at it early, so we went to playgroup this morning. There are 2 groups, one is for babies 0-12 months. Then the other is ages 0-6 years. I like taking her to the older group. There is just so much more to do, more kids and more moms to interact with. We played with toys, a play table full of all sorts of things, made a craft, then did story and song time. She loves it! Anyways, the coordinator wondered why she graduated from the baby class already? She didnt, and I said I didnt mean to sound rude... But the baby group is boring, and all the moms do is sit around and gossip. There is so much more to do in the other group. Breeanna is just more advanced, and interacts... But she said thats fine, that she would have greaduated next month anyways... I dunno if they do something speical or what? Anyways, she fell asleep on the 2 minute car ride home, and has been napping ever since, over an hour ago! Waiting for her to wake up and have lunch :)

Thu Nov 12, 2009
I caved!
For weeks, I have been contemplating getting Breeanna's hair trimmed. My friend who cuts hair, has been off cuz she had a baby. So this morning, after Breeanna had her bath, I decided I would try. I strapped her in her booster seat, parted the hair, clipped it back, let the bangs fall naturally, and got out the scissors. I hesitated a few times, and was nervous. But snip snip and it was done! It looks awesome, and so cute. And she can see again and I can see those beautiful blue eyes. So now that I know I can do it, I
will keep it trimmed. She looks like a little lady ready to head off into the world. What a difference a haircut can make :) If my camera was working, Id share pictures, but I cant :( I will have to get a new one soon, I am lost without it!

Sat Nov 14, 2009
Santa Claus
Tonight, we are going to Breeanna's first Santa Claus parade. I bet she will have so much fun! Parades seem to start earlier each year, dont they? Its been a nice day, so I hope it doesnt get too cold tonight. We will be sure to have lots of blankies to tuck around her in her stroller. I really wish my camera was working, or I had a new one. I hate that Ill be missing snapping pics of this experience :( I didnt feel all that well this morning, achey all over. But Im better now :) Bree and I had a snuggly cat nap on the couch around 11am, I cant remember the last time I had a nap!

Sun Nov 15, 2009
Last night
We went to the parade last night. It was nice out so there were alot of people! We got there just before it started, and it was impossible to find a spot. Bree's eyes were lit up with amazement, it was such fun. The parade was shorter than I remember, less than an hour long. Bree waved and clapped and wiggled to the music. We had some pretty greedy kids around us, so I only managed to get 1 candy cane. Bree held onto it for dear life! I just enjoy spending time with her at fun things like that, and creating traditions with her.

Tue Nov 17, 2009
It was bound to happen!
Breeanna has 2 soothers she loves. They were given as a gift, and I havent seen any others like them. Well, today we lost one :( I went on a wild search for it. Retraced my steps, but I could not find it. I almost wanted to cry! So she has been told to hold onto the other one for dear life. Maybe if she loses that one, she wont want them at all? A little soon... but we will see!

Wed Nov 18, 2009
She escaped!
We have a play area for Breeanna in half of the living room. We have her area blocked off by a love seat, and a old speaker turned on its side. Its about 2 feet high, and there is a tiny space between the couch and wall. Well, I had the tree all set up and I was in the dining room putting things away. I hear a clang and bang and a giggle. Bree was under the tree yanking things off of it! But she had been barracaded in her play area. How did she get out and not make a sound, or hurt herself escaping?!? Its a mystery to me, but I now need to rig up a different way to keep her in there. What a girl!!

Fri Nov 20, 2009
Breeanna's 1st sleepover
Breeanna is going to my parents tomorrow night for her first sleepover. She hasnt stayed over anywhere yet, its about time, right? And the longest she has been babysat is about 8 hours while Ive been at work. I am sure she will be just fine, its me I worry about! What will I do all night and in the morning when my baby girl isnt here?  We are just gonna keep ourselves busy and try not to think about it. Chris and I are having a date Saturday night. We are going for dinner, then going to see "New Moon". Im gonna go buy tickets today, so I then I know we have a shot at seeing the movie this soon, and not standing in line for nothing. Then Sunday morning we are going to a toy sale, to get Christmas gifts for the babies. I am going to try and control myself and not buy too much. Ha! Then we will go pick Bree up Sunday afternoon.  
Wed Nov 25, 2009
I am so happy that Breeanna will now play alone and entertain herself. She will play for up to an hour at a time now. Just checking out different things, playing with a ball, the piano, the cat! She had a couple containers turned upside down and was banging them with a shovel. How smart is she! But once she is done, it looks like a tornado whipped through! Now, how long will it take to teach her to put everything away? Also, she has become a little dare devil. She is not walking on her own yet... But she will let go of whatever is holding her up and sway back and forth a few seconds. Her mouth gets so wide and she makes a cackling sound. Its so funny! Anyday now she will push off and be gone... :(

Thu Nov 26, 2009
Girls day
Breeanna and I went to London with my Mom. We had a few errands to run. I was gonna get my health card renewed and Breeanna's name fixed on hers. But there was a lineup out the door and down the hallway, up to a 2 hour wait. No thanks! So I will call and make an appointment for another day. We then went to another place so Mom can get her passport. Im so happy for her! Then we hit the mall, we had lunch and went shopping. Mom bought Breeanna a cute snownam outfit. Then it wasnt busy at all to see Santa, so we saw him and she had her picture taken. She was so good, Santa was
amazed by how good she was. Most kids scream bloody murder and are terrified of

Fri Nov 27, 2009
About time!
Bree has been drooling alot lately, and chewing on everything in sight. Well just a while ago, I thought she had something in her mouth. So I put my finger in there to "go fishing" and felt something sharp. She popped her first tooth! Yay!! I was so excited I spilled my tea and scared her a bit too. Its the front left bottom tooth. And it looks like the one right next to it will pop through in the next day or so. Im so happy she finally got one, I was beginning to think she had none at all! She is her happy, usual self, thank goodness :) She has just been having lots of naps, eating everything in sight... Teething
isnt as bad as I had thought it would be. "Knock on wood"

New car seat
I signed up for this "Buckle Up Baby" program. And was chosen to get a new seat! I had thought we would have to pay a portion, but because were considered low income, it was completely free. I cried, Ill admit... The health nurse came to the house, showed me all about it and helped me install it. Its very nice :) One less thing to worry about buying right now. I took Bree for a drive around town, to test it out. I think she felt cheaped out cuz we didnt go anywhere and the ride was so short. She has alot more room in it, and just looks more comfortable. It is rear facing, up to 30 lbs. I feel more safe with her facing the back still. It can face forward as well, up to 47 lbs. So we will get lots of use out of it. Its cute too, has its own little cup holder! :) And its black and
brown, and matches our car! Doesnt take much to amuse me...

Sat Nov 28, 2009
Next week
Breeanna's birthday party is sneaking up on us! So I have some work to do this week. I have lists made out of what to get and make. Its just waiting for the day to get here. My mom is gonna bring a few things to eat. Cool! I think we will just set up extra chairs in the living room ,and set out food in the dining room. Im so excited! About half the people we invited have said theyre coming, so I need to make some phone calls to those who havent RSVP-ed. Procrastinators!
Sun Nov 29, 2009
I finally opened the big box of size 4 diapers I have for Breeanna. They are a bit big, but better than the size 3's. They were snug and she had a few leaks. My little girl is growing! She has had a growth spurt this past month. Everything is getting small on her :( Here's hoping she gets lots of clothes for her birthday and Christmas!

Mon Nov 30, 2009
Change time
When it comes to changing Bree, whether it be a diaper or her clothes... its nearly impossible! As soon as I lay her down, she tries to flip over and crawl away. I get so frustrated, I dont know what to do! I will let her crawl around, butt exposed, then grab her and try again. I try and distract her with talking, singing, giving her a toy, or wet wipe or dry diaper. Nothing seems to work! Im hoping this is just one of her phases, and she will get over it and move onto something else.

Thu Dec 3, 2009
Playgroup moms
I got the meanest looks today at playgroup. We are to look out for our own child, and everyone is to play nice. Well, there was 1 boy about 5 years old who was quite rough today. He was throwing wooden blocks, taking toys from infants, and running around like crazy! I told him twice to be careful of the smaller kids. Well, his Mom or caregiver told me to mind my own business! Ugh... Then Bree was playing with a toy where you tap the balls and they go in circles... there was a boy that took the little hammer right out of her hand and played with it. So I said he should ask, not just take things from people. And he said my baby was too small to play with that anyways. So I told him he was being rude, and his mom glared at me. Ha! The third episode was a little guy had flipped some glitter and bits of paper all over his sleeve at the craft table. So I was
brushing it off his sleeve and cleaning it up. His mom reached past me and picked him up and made the mess even worse, and huffed at me. I dont know what was up with people today, but I was just trying to be a help. Ugh! I just try and be nice, teach Bree manners from other people, and just get along. Takes all kinds to make the world go round, I guess!

Busy weekend!
Tomorrow I am meeting up with the ladies and babies of the playgroup Ive gone to since the babies were born. We try to get together atleast once a month. We just have lunch, and the babies play and we talk. Its nice :) Saturday, Bree is going to my Moms for a while. So I can get cleaning and prepping done for her party Sunday. She is taking her to see Santa, again. Then we are meeting up to go to a night time parade. Then Sunday is her birthday party. Such fun!

Sat Dec 5, 2009
...was a busy day! I got up and got Bree and I ready. Took her to my parents for the day. They took her shopping, and to see Santa, again! I guess she wasnt too fond of him this time around. I came home and did cleaning and planning for her party. It was nice just to focus on that and not have her craving my attention. I met up with my parents and her at a parade. It was sooo cold out! Bree was so bundled up she couldnt move or see. She did well on candy, and she waved at Santa at the end. Then I went for coffee with my parents before I headed home. I decorated Bree's cakes tonight. They turned out very well, Im quite proud! Now Im off to bed... I doubt Ill sleep much, as Im anxious for tomorrow. Plus I have a cold coming on :( Poopy... But Ill make the most of everything and sniffle and sneeze my way through it. Pretty much everyone but my sisters clan are coming tomorrow, so still about 15 people. I cant wait! Nighty night :)

Mon Dec 7, 2009
Breeanna's 1st birthday party
Her party went so well yesterday. Almost everyone showed up, other than my sisters clan. But it was still... 15 people. This house becomes very small when there are that many people in it! Bree was whiney and crying at first, just overwhelmed by all the people I think. We had lots to eat, and everything went over well. Chris and Bree opened her gifts, he was having more fun than her! She got lots of cool toys, clothes, books, DVD's. She did very well! She especially likes her ball playhouse, and ball popper, and her princess chair. Very lucky girl :) She snuck a nap between presents and cake. She was very delicate with her cake at first, but then once she got a taste for it, she dove right in! Im so happy she had such a fun day. Tomorrow is her actual birthday. We have another gift saved for her. And I am gonna get her a helium balloon and some sort of treat. They only turn one once, right?

Happy 1st birthday baby girl!!!

Tue Dec 8, 2009
Breeanna turns one!
I cant believe its been 1 whole year since my baby girl was born. It seems just like yesterday. She was so small and helpless and now look at her! She is now fitting into 12 month clothing. The shirts fit well, but the pants are miles long. She got into a size 4 diaper a week or so ago. She was leaking out the 3's. She is eating lots, pretty much anything you give her. She doesnt like bread anymore... but crackers and stuff like that are her favourite. I guess they go through phases... Yesterday, she finally started using her sippy cup! She only takes a few sips here and there. But atleast she is showing interest in it. She still will only drink milk from her bottle, she wont drink it from anything else. So she gets that in the morning, before naps, and bedtime. Today, I made her heart shaped french toast for breakfast. She thought that was pretty cool! And I piled all the balloons from her party, in her play area. I have a gift and some saved cards for her. Ill have her open them after her nap and lunch. Then I have a small cake for her to dig into tonight. Were just hanging around home today, as there isnt really much to do with a 1 year old... I was gonna take her to the "Build a bear shop workshop" but those things are so expensive! Later on, I am gonna have Chris help me take pictues of her with balloons and her bear Teddy. She moves so fast now, its hard to get good set up pics of her. Tomorrow is her 1 year well check, so Ill let you know how that goes after she has gone. Im anxious to see what she weighs, I think she is only around 18 lbs. She is such an itty bitty!

Wed Dec 9, 2009
1 year well check
We did make it to the doctors today afterall. The weather shaped up and let us go. They weighed her, measured her, etc. She is now 18 pounds 3 ounces, exactly 11 pounds bigger than when she was born. I thought that was pretty cool. She is 28 inches long, and thats almost 10 inches longer than when she was born. Crazy! The doctor and I talked about her eating, mobility, teeth, etc, and everything is spot on. He wants me to start her on homo milk, and use up the last of the can of formula she has. And to try her on the sippy cup alot more. She had shots today. Usually she would have had 2 needles today for the usual vaccines. But she recieved her H1N1 so they gave her a dose of that. And in 4 weeks she goes for the other half, as well as the remainder of her vaccines. As long as they know what theyre doing, Im happy! I too recieved my H1N1, and it hurt! No wonder she screamed the way she did. So everything is great, and were happy and healthy.

Thu Dec 10, 2009
Breeanna is using her sippy alot now. I guess it was just a matter of time before she got the hang of it. I put a bit of chocolate milk in it this morning and she went bonkers! She was shaking and laughing, like she couldnt get it fast enough. So funny!

Fri Dec 11, 2009
I started Breeanna on homo milk today. She just had it twice, in between having her formula. She swallowed it back pretty fast. I tried her fomula, then that. And it is much better tasting. So I will alternate like that till her can of formula is gone. Im sure she will be fine. And it will be more convenient and cheaper. Shes becoming my big girl! :(

Breeanna has been "off" again with her sleeping. She may only have 1 nap a day now. If its a late nap, then she will get to bed late. Some nights she passes out after her bath, between 7-8pm. And the past 2 nights, she has gotten up around 3am. Just a butt change and some bottle and she is back out. And the times she gets up like that, she then usually sleeps in until almost 9am. And it doesnt matter what time I go to bed, or get up through the night with her... my internal clock still has me up around 7am. Ugh... Just when you think theyre into a routine, they mess it up! I think its cuz of her teeth and she is having another growth spurt. Ive had to put so many clothes away that she has outgrown. Its so sad! But I like being able to pull out the new stuff she is growing into. Back when she was newborn, I looked at the 12+ month stuff and thought to myself that she would never fit in it. But now she does :(

Mon Dec 14, 2009
Bath and bedtime
Bath and bedtime has become such a struggle with Breeanna lately. I bathe her in the big tub, as its very awkward to bather her in her table top tub. But lately, all she wants to do is stand up in it, and flip onto her belly. We have a very high tub too, so its hard on me to bend over. The other night, Chris and I had to work together to bathe her. And tonight, I threw on my bathing suit and got in with her! But then all she wanted to do was crawl on me and cuddle. Ugh... She used to love playing in the water, with all
her toys and the bubbles. As well, for a couple months now, I have had to swaddle and rock her to sleep. This sometimes takes an hour before she falls asleep. I dont have the time nor patience to do it anymore. Ive tried just putting her to bed, but she cries and
yells and gets herself all upset. Finally tonight I gave her Tylenol and rubbed Ambesol on her gums. And within 10 minutes she was out. I just feel so sorry for her, and start to lose my patience with her.

Thu Dec 17, 2009
Breeanna is obsessed with the phones and remotes. We try and keep them up and out of reach. Well, this morning the phone rang twice. Unknown name and number, so I figured they just hung up. I go down stairs, and Breeanna is on the phone! There was just a busy signal at the other end, but she answered it! Too funny...

Mon Dec 21, 2009
1 down 3 to go
We had our first Christmas get together today. It was with Chris' Dad, stepmom, brother, wife and their 2 boys. Even though we live closer, the drive was still far, nearly an hour. We chatted and had snacks while the kids played. We then had a wonderful turkey dinner. Yum! Then we exchanged gifts. Breeanna really ripped into them, so cute! She got a few outfits, and a ball toy. We recieved a Tassimo brew station. We have no coffee or other mixes for it yet. I cant wait to get some to try it out! We then had dessert, then headed home. All Breeanna wanted to do was play and hang out. After hours of cuddling, and 2 bottles, she was finally asleep at midnight. Ugh! It seems days full of excitement, she never wants to sleep. Well, thats all for now, bedtime for me now!

Tue Dec 22, 2009
I have switched Breeanna's baths to the morning. And were doing much better! She has breakfast then plays a bit then has her bath. We did it in the small counter top tub the other day. She did very well, other than sitting up to admire herself in the mirror. And today we tried it in the big tub, and she played and babbled away. She only stood up once, and didnt fight me when I sat her back down. I was so happy and almost in tears. Bath time has been a fight for weeks with her. I guess they go through all sorts of phases. Im happy this has passed. What will she move onto next? Ugh! Oh, and we mixed up the last 2 bottles of her formula. I am buying no more and she is on homo milk. And she is doing so well with her sippy cup. She is so cute when she grabs it and swigs it back. Where has my baby gone?

Wed Dec 23, 2009
Merry Eve of Christmas Eve
I cant believe Christmas is almost here. Once Bree wakes from her nap, were going on a tour. A friend of mine stopped in today. Gave Bree 2 stuffed toys and us some coffee and mugs. Totally unexpected! I feel so bad when someone gives a gift and I have nothing for them. So, I hope youre all having fun preparing for Christmas.

Fri Dec 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas. I barely slept last night, weird dreams and anticipation for today. I was up before everyone. Which was nice! I never wake Breeanna up, unless she has slept for a long time. She was up by 9am. She had breakfast, then we started on everything. Took almost 2 hours, as she ate and drank and played in between. It was so much fun! She plays so cute with everything now. She got lots of books, puzzles, Taddodles crayons and markers, a colouring book with that, 3 dolls-cabbage patch, Princess baby and a Barbie, a mega blocks piano, stuffed monkey, Tinkerbell movie... and a bunch of other little stuff. We had brunch, then she had a bottle and is now napping. Chris got an electric toothbrush and shave kit. I got my camera last week and I got a locket necklace :) Great day so far! We are going to his brothers in a couple hours for gifts and dinner. His mom and other siblings will be there. Time for me to go do my hair and get dressed. Hope you are all having a fantastic day!
Sun Dec 27, 2009
Last Christmas!
We had 4 Christmas dinners this year, and today was the last one. Thank
goodness! And it was here... We had Chris' brother, wife and their 2 boys. Then our friends Andy and Michelle. We had snacks and drinks, the opened gifts. Bree got a big bag of balls for her ball tent. A crawl through caterpillar toy, a talking plush bear, and a personalized blanket. Very nice! I cooked a huge meal and ate lots and feel like a pig. Im glad the holidays are over. It was fun, but so much work. Bree will be busy a while, getting to know all her new toys. She sure was spoiled this year!  My birthday is Tuesday, then New Years. Not sure what were doing for either yet? Were pretty much broke, so we better stay home! Well, thats all for now. Time for a tea and some tv. Early night for me I think...

Mon Dec 28, 2009
Sick baby
Well, it was bound to happen. Bree is sick. She has been so good this past year. She wasnt herself yesterday, not eating much, being really clingy. She went to bed around 8pm, but was then up like every hour all congested and miserable. She slept with me in bed most of the night. Chris was on the couch. All she wanted to do was cuddle. Poor thing... I set up her play yard in our room around 3am, so she could sleep in there, close to me. She is eating fine today, lots of warm milk too. She finally napped this afternoon, going on 2 hours now. I am feeling off as well, I hope Im not getting it too. We were around alot of different people the past week, so it was bound to happen. We had nothing planned today, thank goodness. Just playing with our new toys and hanging out in our jammies.

Tue Dec 29, 2009
I wish Breeanna didnt know my name was MOM. Now everytime she wants something,
its momomomomomom... Oh dear! I gotta start saying dadadadadada around her more
often. And she says Naynaynaynay... isnt that German? Ha!

So far so good
Bree ate dinner tonight, then a snack and her bottle before bed. Then fell asleep as I swaddled and rocked her. She is in her crib, and I hope she stays there. She isnt as congested as the past 2 nights. So I hope we all have a better night tonight. Its been so hard sleeping with her in bed, then keeping an ear out when she is in her play yard. Id say I got a total of 4 hours of sleep a night. And Im so busy through the day, I cant get a nap in. So I hope we have the bed to ourselves tonight and can get more sleep in. Poor baby... She hadnt been sick a whole year, then she was around a ton of people over the holidays and got sick. Plus, she got the H1N1 shot a few weeks ago, people say you get sick from that? Ive been ok, just a bit congested, but hasnt amounted to
anything. Plus the clogged ears. I think it just has to do with the up and down weather weve been having. Well, Im gonna call it a night, and see how it goes.

Thu Dec 31, 2009
Happy new year!
Just an hour and a half left till 2010. We got pizza and a couple movies. Bree was out at 9 and Chris went to bed around 10. Couple of party poopers! Im gonna pop another movie in and see if I can make it till 12. I hope everyone is having a great night. Be safe!

HELLO 2010!
Sat Jan 2, 2010
Out in the snow
Bree and I went out and played in the snow this afternoon. But it was pretty windy and cold, so we didnt stay out very long. Why do they make the snowsuits so puffy? She couldnt move at all... I took her for a tour around the house in the sled. She giggled the whole time. The snow out the back, is all drifted and it came up to my knees! Her nose is all clear now, the fresh air did her good. As well, she has been napping over an hour now. Yay! The snow is really fluffy, so it isnt good to make a snowman. Chris got the snowblower running, but only got the lane half cleared before it died. Blew up the motor he said... Poopy! Oh well, shovelling will do him good :)

Tue Jan 5, 2010
13 months
Bree had a doctors appointment today. It was to get the remainder of her 1 year shots. She got the H1N1 last month, so they wanted to spread them out. They were short staffed after the holidays, so the nurse had to do 1 shot at a time. Poor Bree! I had noticed Bree had a growth spurt again, so I had her weighed. She is 19lbs 3oz! She gained a whole pound in less than a month. Must have been all that turkey!  I talked to the doctor about allergies, cuz she had that rash on her face. He said to keep the cats away, peanuts away and even things were allergic too. That they dont test for allergies until they are 2 or 3 years old. Ok... So, everything is going well with her! We go again in March when she is 15 months old.

13 months

Wed Jan 6, 2010
In the Night Garden
Bree loves this show! I found it creepy at first-along the lines of Barney and the Teletubbies. But she likes it, so I let her watch it. She will sit and watch it intently for the 1/2 hour it is on. Its crazy how she sits there and doesnt get distracted. Too funny!

Thu Jan 7, 2010
Need more gates
We have a gate on the living/play room. I usually corral Bree in there. We havent been able to find a gate to fit the stairs yet. I was in the kitchen making supper and I let Bree wander the main floor. She was very quiet all of a sudden... she was 5 stairs up the upstairs! I nearly had a heart attack. I stayed behind her and she made it all the way up the rest of the stairs, crawled in her room, and got in her bin full of toys. OMG! She knew where she wanted to go. Crazy!

Fri Jan 8, 2010
Bree slept through the night, 2 nights in a row. I knew it couldnt last forever. She was up at 2am, and 4am. The first time just to be swaddled and cuddled. The 2nd time for a new diaper and a bit of bottle. She was up around 8am, but Chris got up with her. It was so nice to lay in bed, and wake up. And have a coffee waiting for me downstairs! She didnt go down for a nap until about 2pm, and she is still there now at 315pm. Cant let her nap too long, or she will never go to bed tonight. I can never win! I was gonna go visit my mom this afternoon, but Bree getting her nap time is much more important. I am pretty sure it is that top tooth that has been working its way out for weeks now.

Sat Jan 9, 2010
Is chocolate bad for babies? Bree has had little peices here and there as a treat. She lights right up and shakes when she gets it. Its that good! Well, tonight she got some... I had set aside a last peice of chocolate. It was the last in my box from Christmas, and I was saving it for later. Bree was being too quiet, which means she is up to something. She ate the entire peice of chocolate! It was about an inch squared, and 1/2 an inch thick. It was just milk chocolate... She had drippy melted chocolate slobber everywhere, even on her socks. She was really hyper for about an hour. I think she was more happy she had gotten it, and got away with it! So, she had her 2nd bath of the day. She settled down for bed, and went in regular time. I figured shed be hyper for
hours and up late. What a girl, eh?! I just thought Id share :)

Sat Jan 16, 2010
1st steps!
Breeanna took her first steps today! She had been getting really good at walking along, holding onto things. And she would walk very well along with us. So today, we had her walking with her toy push along mower. Then all of a sudden, she took off! She started to get very frustrated that she was running into the couch and wall. I think she was also trying so hard that she wore herself out. Im so happy Chris was home and we both got to see her. I cried... and he was like "dont cry, whats wrong with you"? Im just so proud, yet so sad. Whats happened to MY itty bitty baby that couldnt do anything? Anyways... Just had to share! Oh, and on Wednesday her 3rd tooth finally popped through.

Mon Jan 18, 2010
Crazy kid!
Bree is so hyper lately. Her crazy time is after dinner. Some nights I cant get her to sleep until like 11pm. We just let her play and stuff until she starts to get tired. And she gets a bad case of the giggles right before she is ready to sleep. I just dont know what to do with her! We want to wind down and go to bed too! We try to get some sort of rountine with her then she breaks it. Dinner, playtime, bathtime, jammies, snack, stoytime/sing songs, bottle, cuddles, bed... but sometimes after all that she just wants to be crazy and play. Its really frustrating!
Fri Jan 22, 2010
In a rut
Do you ever feel you get up each day and do the same thing over and over? Winter is especially hard for me. I love being able to get out and do things. But snow and cold keeps you inside. I get up, do laundry, feed Bree, she plays then has a nap, then I do things around here... lunch, playtime, supper, night time routine, then bed... Today were getting out, just to go visit my parents. Chris is off today and he is whining why dont we stay home? Im home all the time, I need to get out!

Wed Jan 27, 2010
Bree is always carrying a spoon around. I find them everywhere! In her crib, ball pit, in the car... Its so funny. And she likes to get in things. Like boxes, her toy bins, and today she shoved herself in a small bin that holds her blocks. Its about 6 inches by 12 inches! She just keeps me laughing all day with her little habits. And she thinks its hilarious to put a sock or something small on top of her head! What a girl!

Sun Jan 31, 2010
Bree has been having a hard time these past few days. Her other front top tooth is breaking through. And I can see the 2 teeth on either side of the bottom ones coming as well. Poor thing! I didnt think it was gonna be this hard. The doctor said the later the better, but not when they all decide to come at once! I just keep giving her things to gnaw on, Tylenol, cold wet washcloth, and Ambesol. I wish I could take her pain for her. I know how bad a tooth ache is, I cant imagine new teeth poking through. Ugh!

Mon Feb 1, 2010
What a long day, but we got alot accomplished. The room Breeanna was in was a drab green colour and the room never seemed to stay very warm. So we switched her room and the office. Its way better and her room is a brown colour and much warmer. Im going with a pink and chocolate brown theme.And the room is a bit bigger, and more space with a baby is nice! I think she is a bit confused, but she liked playing in there and she is sleeping fine now. Its just sometimes when you move, you have big plans for rooms, and they just dont work right. Now Im happy :) Now to tackle the spare room. Its an awful yellow colour, and Id much rather paint it before I do anything with it. I dont think anyone would ever be able to sleep in there! :)

Tue Feb 2, 2010
New job!
Chris starts a new job today, were so happy. Its about time we got a break. He went in this morning, and said he could start asap. So they said he could start tonight. Yay! Its welding, which is his trade and he loves. Its a factory right here in town, good wage and they have health benefits. Its nights to start, but he is fine with that. A job is a job! I hope this is the start of many good starts of 2010.

Long night
Breeanna's teeth are really making it hard for her. She didnt go to bed until around 11pm last night. I got to bed around 12am. She was up at 3:43am, just screaming! I gave her Tylenol and Ambesol... she drank like 10oz of bottle, chewed on a cold washcloth... But she wouldnt go back to sleep. I cuddled her on the couch, put her in her swing... She finally fell back asleep before 7am. We both went back to bed, I was up about 9am, she was almost 10am. Her day will be screwed up, nap wise. But Im glad she finally got some sleep. She is so good and happy through the day, its nights that are a nightmare!

Wed Feb 3, 2010
Breeanna is in 12-18 month clothing now. She still fits in some 6-12 month stuff. Although the pants and shirt sleeves are getting pretty short. She is still in some 6 month onesies, it all depends on the make and type of fabric. I am so sad I have like 4 diaper boxes of clothes she has grown out of. She had so many cute outfits, and some stuff she only wore once or twice. I look forward to the day we have another baby and these outfits can be used again.

Tue Feb 9, 2010
14 months
Breeanna is doing well. She seems to be back on track lately. I think her teeth were taking alot out of her. I weighed her on our home scale and she is around 20 lbs. Its never as acurate as the doctors one. She has 3 teeth now. No others seem to be making an appearance anytime soon. Her clothing selection is few... as she is at a weird growth stage. Stuff is either too small, or way too big. She has a few peices that fit just right. She is sleeping through the night from 9-10pm until 7-8am. And has been having her nap around lunch time. So I make sure she has a snack, then has lunch when she gets up again. Then we have a late supper. She would eat all day, if I let her! She isnt really too picky... but she is having a phase right now where she wont eat anything green. Peas, beans, brocoli- which is usually her favourite. She drinks about 15-20 oz homo
milk a day and likely 8-12 oz of water and juice. She is such a good girl! No doctors appointment this month, but I have to schedule one next month at 15 months.

14 months

Wed Feb 10, 2010
Another long night
Poor Breeanna... she woke up at 1am, just miserable. I stayed up with her till 3am, nothing made her happy. Her temp was high so I gave her Tylenol, and put her in lighter jammies. She was then up again at 430am, same thing, nothing would calm her. When Chris got home at 6am, he had me go back to bed and he took care of her. I woke up at 830am, and she was soon to follow. Her cheeks are very hot and flushed, but her fever went down. She wasnt too impressed by me checking her temp, "you know where" every few hours! She finally let me look in her mouth, and her gums are so swollen. It looks like the teeth that are in, have sunk back down. But thats just how swollen the gums are around them. She hasnt ate much today, likely cuz it hurts so much. Pudding, yogourt, apple sauce, noodles... anything soft. Her nose is also runny, I hope its just a side effect of the sore mouth, and not a cold coming on as well.

Thu Feb 11, 2010
Sick baby
Well, I finally got Bree to the doctors today. I knew it was more than just her teeth! She has an infection in her mouth and throat. Poor thing! Got her on antibiotics and Tylenol. She has finally slept, and I got a nap in. She is sleeping again now, yay! So I think she is already on the mend. Next time, I am not assuming anything and getting her to the doctor asap. She has hardly ever been sick, so this is really hard on all of us. I just wanna take her pain for her, so she can be her happy silly self again.

Fri Feb 12, 2010
I have a neice!
Well, I have a neice! Im so happy :) She was born at 12:12am on the 12th of February. How cool is that? She wighed 8lbs 5oz, and was 19.5 inches long. Her name is Audrianne Victoria. Im leaving shortly to go meet her. They have short visiting hours and restrictions at the hospital-no children under 14 :( So Im meeting up with my Mom and going to see them all. Angie wasnt in labour long, and just a few pushes and she was out! No epidural or tears or anything. Im envious...

Mon Feb 15, 2010
Family Day
Happy Family Day! I think its just a new holiday here in Canada right? Its the 2nd year for it, day off in the dead of winter. I wish Breeanna was feeling better. I found a cool new play place for her. Ball pits, toys, climbers, etc... and games for us as well. And you just pay for the childs admittance, were free. We will go someday soon though. I am researching to get Breeanna into some sort of activity, and the fees are ridiculous! There is one place that is exercise and activities, and is eventually gymnastics as they grow. For a 4 month semester, its $309 dollars. I couldnt believe it! Crazy... Once we get new bathing suits, we will both start going swimming once a week atleast. I hate winter, you are so limited as to what you can do.

Forward facing
Today we finally switched Breeanna's seat to forward facing. Its so much better that way! Its tighter and more secure. And she seemed more comfortable and happy. She was getting mad facing back, and having the sun in her eyes. This way she can see much more and know what were up to. She seems like such a big girl all of a sudden.

Wed Feb 17, 2010
Off night
Bree is having really hard poops lately, poor thing. With her being sick, she wasnt eating much and wasnt getting her ruffage and juice. And I think the penicillin may cause hard stool? She also ran a bit of a fever for a few hours last night. Weird! She had a bath and bottle then finally settled and went to bed around 10pm. She was up at 5am, had a poop, bottle, and was back to sleep before 7am. She then slept till 10am! Wow... So Im sure her nap and everything will be messed up today. Its snowing hard again, so I think we are homebound again anyways. Ugh...

Clothes and toy
I went through Breeanna's clothes and toys she has outgrown. I was seeing if there was any I could part with to give to my brother for his daughter. I just cant part with any! I feel so bad, as I said Id see what I could do for them. There is just too many memories linked to everything of Breeanna's and I think, what if we have another baby? I want to have those things for them. Ugh... I am getting the supplies Saturday to make them a diaper cake. I have always wanted to make one, and I think they would think that is cool. I am gonna make it bath time themed... with lotions, soaps, washclothes, toys, etc.

Sat Feb 20, 2010
One thing, then another
Bree was over her throat infection and was back to her normal self for about 2 days. I noticed last night she was a bit sniffly. She woke up today all plugged up. She has a sinus cold now, boogers, runny nose, red eyes. Poor thing! I hate this time of year! So we stayed home today and I will be going to my neices shower with my mom tomorrow. Poor baby, I just wish she would get better!

Diaper cake
I made my first diaper cake, and I am quite proud of myself. It took a bit of time, and planning, but it worked out great! It only cost about $30 for the diapers and all the accesories. It has the tray, diapers, blanket, bath toys, travel size soaps and lotions, washcloths, booties, bibs, etc... I cant believe people make these and charge anywhere from $50-$80 for them. Maybe Ill go into the diaper cake business!

Tue Feb 23, 2010
Breeanna started to clear up with her nasal congestion last night. She went down at 730pm, but then woke again at 10pm. She was wide awake and super hyper. So I let her do whatever she wanted while I watched the Olympics. We finally got to sleep at 1am. She slept through until 930am! She woke up happy and hungry. But... she has developed a rash! Its just on her arms and legs, and it comes and goes. I gave her a sponge bath, and lotioned her up. It didnt seem to make a difference. I called the clinic, and they said it could be dry skin, or her body fighting off her other sickness. They just said if it gets worse, to bring her in. But it hasnt... So we will see what she is like tomorrow. She doesnt seem bothered by it, I am. I just feel so bad. She was so healthy for over a year, and now it seems she is sick constantly. Poor baby!

Fri Feb 26, 2010
Night at emerge!
Well you all know how Breeanna has been non stop sick? She had the throat infection, then a sinus cold, then the rash... Well last night the rash spread to her face and bum. And she got sick twice. So we decided to go in to the ER. They were pretty quick on admitting her, I guess they dont mess around with babies. We were there about 3 hours, and she slept most of it, which I was amazed. Anyways turns out the rash is viral. Could be an allergy, after effects of the sicknesses, or even a reaction to the penicilin she had taken. So they sent us home, telling us to get liquid Benadryl. She has been her usual happy self, and the rash has gone down. We were just so scared, and werent sure what to do. The nurses and doctor said we know our children, and when theyre not themselves, to get them in and checked out. What a long night... I too now have a sinus cold, Im keeping it at bay with pills and Buckleys. Getting rest and drinking lots! I cant wait for winter to be over!

Mon Mar 1, 2010
Finally better
Bree and I both started feeling much better yesterday. The weather being nice, has helped alot too! We went to my parents to have dinner and watch the Mens hockey on the Olympics. It was nice getting out! We both slept all through the night last night. Its nice to be back in a routine. "KNOCK ON WOOD" Today, we went out and ran a few errands. Then had lunch at McDonalds, she loves it there! She got nuggets and fries and yet another new toy. Im so happy she is her crazy happy little self again. A few times I have come to tears, that she is playing and giggling and not miserable. She is now napping :)

Answering questions
Bree will now answer questions we ask her. She will shake her head up and down, yes or shake her head back and forth no. She says "yep", "k", and "na". Its awesome! Other than the grinning and shaking her head "no" at us. Last night at my parents, she was working on a poop. Making faces and grunting. I had asked her if she was done, and she shook her head no. A few minutes later I asked again and she said "YEP" right out loud. It was hilarious!! They are such smart little people!!

Thu Mar 4, 2010
Back to playgroup
Breeanna and I went to playgroup today. We hadnt been since before Christmas. Its just we were busy with the holidays, then she was sick off and on. She was really clingy at first, but then got comfortable and was all over the place! It was nice to get out and have her around little friends. She played with toys, magnets, did a picture... then we sang songs in a circle before we left. She had lunch when we got home, then already passed out and had a little nap. I need to get her out more, and wear her out. I am glad the weather is nicer and its warming up.

Fri Mar 5, 2010
Night off
Breeanna is going to my parents for a sleepover tonight. This will be her 2nd night away. My parents live further away and dont see her as often. So its nice to give them a whole day with her. So Im thinking of what to pack and take. Why do babies need so much "stuff"? Usually pack more than needed, but better safe than sorry right? Chris and I are gonna go on a date tonight. I think dinner and some games. Either mini golf, pool, bowling... then I think were gonna get some wine and a movie and watch it at home. The theatre is so expensive anymore! Then tomorrow morning, were gonna go for breakfast and do some shopping.

Sat Mar 6, 2010
RE: Night off
We went out for dinner, it was delicious! We were gonna either go to a movie or bowling. Then decided to do something more "grown up". So we went to the casino! The best I did was I was ahead $35 but then blew it all. We each played $20 and walked out with 3 cents credit LOL! It was fun though :) We watched a movie last night and had some "fun". It was nice not having a baby in the house. Today we are rearranging the house a bit. Our side entrance is flooded from the snow melting, and I fear it will be that way all spring. So we are making the front entrance our main entrance to enter. Then were going out to a flea market, then picking up Breeanna this afternoon. Get this, she slept from 830pm-730am for my parents! And straight through... what a kid!

Mon Mar 8, 2010
15 months old!
I cant believe my baby girl is getting this old. Seemed like just yesterday I had her. She had kind of a bad day today. She was just very whiney and clingy. She was up about 8am, then napped again at 11am till 130am. Maybe she didnt sleep well last night? She didnt have me up at all... She had her well check this afternoon. My family doctor is finally back and fitting in patients. She had never met Breeanna yet, but heard so much about her. She did a thorough check up on her, which I was very happy with. Bree weighs a whopping 19 lbs 15oz! We couldnt keep her still long enough to get her height. She is tiny, but she is still in the right place for her growth curve chart. She was checked all over- ears, throat, heart, arms, hips, soft spot, etc. Everything is perfect! She has a slightly herniated belly button. I had noticed that, but she says its nothing to worry about. The doctor was happy with her, and says she is right on track with everything. She still isnt walking much indepenently. But she said she will likely just take off one day and we will never look back. She got her needles today, and I think she knew they were coming. She fought me hard as I pinned her down so the nurse could do them. And this was the first time she really bled from them, and bruised a bit :( My poor baby! So she is doing great! She was very mellow the rest of the day. And was to bed shortly after 9pm. That takes alot out of them. I hope she has a better day tomorrow. Were gonna make cupcakes, and maybe go out and do something later on. Now that its so nice out and spring is on its way, I like to get out and enjoy it. We have been cooped up too long this crappy winter.

15 months