Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 2010

Sat July 10th

Bad news :(
We received some bad news today, we have to move again! The landlord wants his house back. He wouldnt give details why. But I said we will get out when we can, but were not gonna be homeless. No one seems to help you out or give you a break anymore. So the hunt is on. Id like something smaller and easier to manage. And further north maybe? I like being near the city for the convenience. But Im a small town, country girl at heart.

Wednesday July 14th
I worked the past 2 days. It was nice to get out and see people and use my brain LOL But I dont know how working moms do it? Takes alot of work and patience! I work this weekend as well, but seems more relaxed, even though its the busiest weekend of the season! I just dont have as many duties to do, which is nice for a change.

Just 1 week left and we will get to see our baby for the first time. Im excited yet scared... Scared? I dunno why? I just hope everything is ok! I know it is but you always get the feeling...

Mon July 19th
Sad news :(
Our kitten Hubert has passed away. He snuck outside, and unfortunatly got hit on the road. His femur was fracture and it was just too costly to repair. So I had to make the horrible decision to have him put to sleep. It was one of the hardest things I had to do. He was such an awesome little man, and he will be missed! RIP Hubert Grey

Hubert and Breeanna
RIP lil buddy xo

Wednesday July 21st
Just a few hours left and I will be heading off for my 1st ultrasound. Im so excited to see this baby. Seeing it on screen confirms there is someone inside me! I cant wait :) Ill tell you more later!

I had my ultrasound this evening. I was so excited! We dropped Bree off at my parents for dinner and a visit as Chris and I went to the hospital. They took me in pretty quick, I am very happy lately with appointments happening fast. First the tech had the screen pointed towards her so she could take all the pictures and measurements she needed. It drove me crazy that she was looking at my baby first, and not me! It took a long time for her to get what she needed, as the baby was wiggling and bouncing around so much. She then brought hubs in to see the baby with me. What a wonderful experience! The little thing was bouncing and rolling all over, sucking its little fingers and kicking its little legs. Cute I must say! So we got a couple pictures and were sent on our way. Its so nice to be able to know who is living inside me. I must say, we make cute kids!

Fri June 23rd
3 month check up
Today I went for my 3 month check up. Again, they took me in so quick! I think they are sick of me complaining about waiting 2 hours when I have an APPOINTMENT! As well I am pregnant and hormonal and they dont wanna mess with that! I am down a few pounds, which they frowned upon. I am to gain weight, not lose it at this point. But its summer; Im more active, eating lighter food, and I doubt the stress Ive had lately helps. Pee test and blood pressure were ok. We just discussed how Ive been feeling, thinking etc... everything is good! She tried to get a heartbeat, but baby was so active, it wouldnt stay still long enough to get a count. Crazy little person in there! It was a pretty easy, straight forward visit. As I grow and baby grows, more will be done. Like getting measured and catching that heartbeat. All my bloodwork came back good, and she wants me to test my sugar once in a while to be sure its ok. I go back in a month, I will be 16 weeks then. Crazy, how the time is flying by now!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

March 2010 and beyond


March 18
No net...
What did we do before the internet? You dont truly value something until its gone. We used to write people letters and send them cards. We used to write in journals, play board games, do puzzles in books, and spend alot of time outside. Anyways... I am without internet at home for a while at home. So I will keep a journal on the computer. Bree is doing amazingly well! Now thats its nice out and Spring has sprung, were outside all the time.

March 28
Love you!
There are days, I still cant believe Breeanna is here! She is mine, my daughter, something I created. She just amazes me with how smart she is. She does something new everyday it seems. She has 6 teeth now, She is copying words we say, so we better watch what we do say! She hasnt been eating much lately, but I think its the teeth. Not much else is new... We visited my neice today. Bree was "jealous" in a way when either one of us would pay attention to Audrianne.

April 4
Easter Weekend
Weve had a busy few days- Easter weekend. Chris was off all weekend, so that was nice! Friday, we did things around the house. It was so warm and nice out we took a drive and tried out the new a/c. Bree is very open and vocal in public now. She talks and yodels and waves. I think she thinks everyone we see is there for her. Saturday, we were up early as we were heading to and Easter egg hunt. We collected eggs, entered some draws, etc. She had so much fun! I love doing family outings like that and making memories. We then went to my brothers for dinner. Again, Bree was different around the baby. I think she was so used to being the only grandchild and not having to share the spotlight. Im sure she will get over it in time! The Easter bunny then came Sunday. She got accessories for her dolls and a mini stroller. As well as other treats. Then that afternoon Chris' mom and sister came to visit. Bree got lots of candy and a ball. It was a long day, again and we decided to get Swiss Chalet for dinner. Yum! Bree loved the chicken and potatoes. It was an awesome time celebrating Bree's 2nd Easter.

April 6th
Lil talker!
Bree is so amazing! She talks to us now. Its simple things, but she understands and uses her words. I asked her for a book, and she brought it to me and said, "here". She choked on some juice, and I asked her if she was okay, and she said, "yep"! Its just so cool she comprehends what we say and that she uses her little brain to talk!

Breeanna May- 16 months old

April 26
Been TTC baby #2
Chris and I have been trying for baby #2. It wasnt easy to make Bree and it hasnt been easy this time around either. I never went on birth control after Bree was born, we figured wed chance it as it wasnt easy to have her. Ive been feeling a little off lately... So fingers crossed something happened. We will just wait and see!

April 29
Not pregnant :(
No baby... I was so sure I was just by how I was feeling. I guess it was just some whacky PMS.

May 4
Girls day out
Yesterday Bree and I went to the craft store, to start a few new fun projects. Then picked up lunch at McDonalds and took it to a new park we had heard about. I love it there! So much to do and see. The ponds and variety of birds are my favourite. Today we hung around home. We did go grab a few things at the store. Bree loves taking rides in her new stroller. Tomorrow were going to Gramma and Grampa's for lunch. It will be nice to get out and sharing care of Bree. She has been pretty cranky again if we arent keeping her busy, I think there are more teeth making their way through.

Breeanna May- 17 months old

May 10
Breeanna is so cool! She is doing so much more every day. She is walking alot now. She will hold her own bottle. And she snapped together one of the snaps on her high chair! That little brain of hers is working all the time. Tonight she sat at the table for dinner with no tray like a big girl. We went to dinner last night for Mothers Day, you were hyper but she was good.

May 19
My big girl!
Today Bree got in her swing n rocker all by herself. So now all she gets is the rocker, just too dangerous otherwise. She has become a climber and nearly gives me a heart attack with some of the things she pulls. It was so nice out today that we played out there a while. Bree crawled over and right into her sandbox. She helped Chris fly a kite. It was nice to see them do something like that together!

May 21
New routine
We started a new routine with Bree tonight. Jammies-bottle- bed. She fusses about 10 minutes or so, then falls asleep. I feel bad doing it, but it has to be done. For too long she has stayed up, because weve let her. Kids like routine, but they dont like change. So this may take a week or so, but Im sure before we know it she will look forward to going to bed. Mommy and Daddy need our time at night to unwind and get to bed.

Wednesday May 26th
Cycle day 28, oh period where art thou?
Well, still no AF... this is the longest cycle Ive had in a long time. I got a couple dollar store tests and I am just waiting out the 3 minutes now. Im sure its negative, but you never know! I developed a nasty ear infection over the weekend, so I havent been myself and wasnt really keeping track of the days. I feel bad if I am preggo though, cuz Ive been taking different medications, and Im not sure if theyd affect early pregnancy or not? As well, I drank quite a bit on Sunday night. Oh well... My belly aches and nausea had gone away. But that could just be the usual PMS. I dont think we will ever understand our bodies!

Well... here I go to check...
Well, I dont know! The test line is there and there is a very faint line beside it! Could be a glare or something. I dont know? It is just a cheap test so it could be positive. Ugh! I am hoping it is a super faint line, and I am preggo!! Except now I feel especially bad about the medications and drinking... Oh well, you never know. I had very light lines in the beginning with Bree, so maybe its true! I have another test so I will test with my stronger morning pee tomorrow. Just checking over the directions, it says test line will appear in 3 minutes, then other line within a ten minute range. And that darkness of the line may vary, well its light pink so I think it may be positive! Gonna go look at it some more! Now I am gonna drive myself crazy!! It is a light line, but maybe a fluke? I did drop pee in the wrong slot at first so maybe that messed it up.

I just tried the second test. So the wait begins again... I almost wanna cry thinking of this. I could have a teeny weeny lil jelly bean in me again. I loved being preggo and love being a mom. My baby girl is growng into a little girl, so I am ready for another. Watching her and Audrianne was a handful last week, but its different when its your own child. Bree will get ready for a new sibling and it will be different. I think she will be an amazing big sister. She is so cute with her baby dolls and stuffies and is so good with other kids. She is a bit grabby, but I think she just doesnt know her own strength. Well, Im rambling, and I need to get some sleep. Time to check the second test then get to bed. If its positive, Ill never sleep!!

Well, there is a faint line on the other one too, so... we will see. Ill get a better test in a day or so. Funny, there was a 2nd test in the other box so I will take it in the morning. Weird? Maybe thats a sign and I will have a definite line with the strong morning pee? Ok good night!

Thursday May 27th
Cycle Day 29
Well now, I must say I hate my body! I tested again this am and got another faint line. I dont want to waste money on a good test, and I dont want to get my hopes up. I was already so hopeful, and now what? Ugh...

Well no wondering anymore, I am definetly pregnant! I got a brand name test and the + sign showed up immediatly. I am getting stomach pains and pinches today but could be from the antibiotic. I did have the runs a couple times today. The precautions on the antibiotic say only to use if absolutely necessary while pregnant. Im just gonna continue to take it easy and only use the stuff when needed. I am so happy I just dont know what to do with myself! I woke Chris up to tell him, hugged Bree and told her all about it and I cried a little. She tapped my back and snuggled into me. What a kid! And I wrote Robyn and told her :) About time for a nap soon... Talk later!

I guess I can start writing that I am 4 weeks 1 day pregnant now, instead of cycle day cuz cycle days are over!!

One, of many positive pregnancy tests :)

Fri May 28th
30 days LOL
I finally feel relief with my ear ache. Not as swollen and stingy. I felt some nausea around noon. But eating small frequent meals keeps it at bay. I wish the infection would go away. I hate taking different medications so early in pregnancy. Im sure everything will be fine, I just feel bad about it. Ive been getting little pinches in my belly. Little baby is letting me know its in there. Its amazing! And I love having this little secret. This time around I feel its something for Chris, Bree and I to share. Not for the whole world know know every single detail. I visited my parents today, and felt evil having my own little secret. Im gonna wait to tell until after my first prenatal visit. Ill call Monday to get that set up. I think Chris is afraid, that there will be 4 of us to take care of, 2 kids to juggle... but thats what having a family is all about. We were worried 1 would be hard, but its not so bad. I feel at this point in my life were meant to have kids and make a family and enjoy every moment! I am so anxious to start a room, get Bree a toddler bed, potty train her etc. Just so she is a little more independent. Im already amazed at how much she can do. She will be such fun and a big help Im sure. Im thinking I dont want to know what were having this time around either. It takes all the fun out of it. Id love a boy, Chris would like another girl. I think he thinks a boy will be a little devil like him. Ive already thought of names, Isabella or Kristofer with the middle name Lawryn. Cute! Well, thats all for now, Im ready for bed already!

Sun May 30th
1 month 1 day
I am feeling great! I am so full of energy and Im not sick. I get a little bout of nausea around lunch time, but I just think its cuz Im hungry. Yesterday I helped getting the fence up for our chicken coop. Today and I did some gardening. With Bree I was sick from conception till about 12 weeks. Every pregnancy is different though! I didnt know what to expect the first time around, now I sort of do. Maybe the weight loss has helped too, my body was more prepared? Im gonna call tomorrow to get an appointment set up within the next couple weeks. Im not as anxious to tell people this time around. I like having a secret and its more for the 3 of us to enjoy. All Chris keeps saying is its gonna be harder with 2. And all I can think is it will be fun and challenging, but I want a family. I have no doubts or regrets. This is something I want so bad. I dont want to be 40 having another child. I wanna do it now! And I am :) I think he is just worried how we will handle it financially and that its then alot of pressure on me with 2. But we didnt know what to expect with 1 and its so much fun! Whats another? LOL Anyways... Just a check in check up :)

Thursday June 3rd
5 weeks!
The nausea is setting in. I feel so yucky even the thought of food makes me feel gross. Time to stock up on juice and saltine crackers! Its just a hollow empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had my first prenatal visit Tuesday. Lots of waiting and running around. I had Mussani, she wasnt too bad. Other than the fact she made a loud shocked noise when I said Bree was 18 months old. I think just over 2 years apart in age is good! Took my weight and lots of blood. And I am scheduled June 28th for my full prenatal physical. Then an ultrasound July 21st! Im so excited that it wont be long till we get to see our little bean! Ive only told 2 friends, Robyn and Jen. We plan to start telling family this weekend, then spread the word after that. I know most people will be happy but there will be a few that will likely say, "so soon"! Chris told some people at work... So, thats all for now, gotta go keep Bree entertained!

June 9
18 months old!
Breeanna is 18 months old now. Where has the time gone? She walks about 95% of the time now. And she thinks she can "run" now. Its like watching a drunk duck LOL! Her 12 month pants are getting tight now, but the 18 month ones are still a bit loose. The 18-24 month shirts fit just fine. She has had another growth spurt, seems so tall. Youre still drinking lots of bottles, which is starting to become a concern to me. But you eat lots too, so Im sure its fine. She has her check up next week, so we will se how things are going then.

Breeanna May- 18 months old

Sun June 13th
6 weeks 2 days
Hello! Been busy and havent had time to write. Ive been feeling good. Just have to eat lots in the morning to keep the nausea at bay. We told all our close family and friends, then announced it to the world yesterday. Have recieved lots of positive response. Some people seem shocked. Its not like we just had Breeanna. Chris has already started referring to the baby and Bree as the girls. Hes convinced its a girl. Id love to have a boy. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I think we will find out what we are having before, but its still not 100% sure. I loved the surprise of not knowing then in th end hearing its a ... !

Monday June 14th
Breeanna's 18 month well check
Breeanna had her check up this morning. They sure took their sweet time. Theyre usually pretty quick checking us in. The doctor was behind... but she actually wasnt even there yet! Ugh... Anyways, Bree is a whopping 21lbs 1oz. She is 75cm long and her head was 47.5cm round. Everything else looks great- eyes, ears, nose, hips, etc. Pretty near perfect, but I already knew that! The doctor wants us to cut back on her milk intake. Its fattening, can cause an intolerance to it, and it could cause anemia. But she still eats lots, so I dont see the problem. And she isnt overweight. She had her needles, one in each arm this time. She really wailed from them. Poor baby! So, now she doesnt go back until she is 2, and no more shots until she heads off to school. My baby girl is growing up! She got a sticker for being so good, she was pretty happy with that. I told the doctor Id see her in a couple weeks, and she asked why? Because Im 6 weeks pregnant! She seemed pretty happy. After her check up, we went to my parents for lunch. Bree was super fussy but Im sure it was from the shots and the wait. So we headed home, she napped in the car, then for another couple hours in her bed. Poor baby!

Tuesday June 15th
I definetly feel pregnant today. No energy, cramping, everything smells terrible, tired, nausea, etc. All I wanted to do was lay down. Every smell drove me crazy, either made me mad or sick feeling. Ugh... So I stocked up on air freshners, Id rather smell those than everything else. I was super hungry, but everything I tasted was awful! Chocolate made everything taste better though LOL I had cranps so bad at one point, I was worried. They even made me dizzy. Take it easy on me kid, I can only take so much!

Thursday June 17th
7 weeks!
I am now 7 weeks along. Like I said I definetly feel pregnant. I had hoped this pregnancy was gonna be different than with Bree. I just didnt feel as sick sooner. Im hoping it passes within the next few weeks. I feel great and full of energy when I wake up. Have a tea and toast. But then its about an hour later I start feeling sick and dizzy. I feel bad for Bree cuz I just let her play while I relax. But she seems to keep herself entertained. On another note, Chris got laid off from his work. So the stress of that isnt helping either. He is working with his brother for now. I hope he can land another job soon. Just as things were starting to look up, this happens. Always seems to be that way for us. But things always work out. Well, better go entertain the beans! TTYL

Whered she go?
This morning, Chris thought I had Bree and I thought he had her. Turns out neither of us did and she was missing! She didnt get to far, but gave us both a near heart attack! She made it all the way up the stairs into our bedroom! Crazy girl... we know she can go up the stairs, its the coming or falling down that worries us. Gotta put a leash on that one!

Friday June 18th
Man oh man this morning sickness can go away. I feel fine for about the first hour, then it settles in. Toast, crackers, cheese juice, have to keep eating or I feel the nausea. All I can say is I am glad I am sick like this for a reason. And Im so happy once the afternoon comes around cuz it then finally goes away. I dont remember it being this bad with Bree. BUt I suppose with all pain and sickness, you soon forget about it. Im already thinking of chilbirth again, and Im sort of freaking out. I didnt know what to expect the first time around. And through it all, I did pretty good considering! Cant avoid then inevitable I guess... Yesterday I started rearranging rooms. I think I am gonna make the yellow room the baby room. But we will paint it a different shade of yellow, as it is way too bright! Ill store clothes, toys, etc in there and give Bree some space back in her room. Then get the spare room set up finally. Im not sure if this is nesting, or Im just bored and sick of clutter and rooms having no purpose? Anyways... need to get on with this day! Bye!!

Monday June 21st
So... I have my check up next week, so Ill tell her about it then. Im sure she will tell me what Im telling myself, take it easy! My belly has definatly started to grow. Cant suck it in anymore LOL And stuff is starting to feel tight again. I look forward to getting some cute and comfy maternity wear. I wore a pair of shorts yesterday, but they were quite droopy as the day went on. It was Fathers Day yesterday, we had mom, dad, Darrell, Angie and Audrianne over. It was fun, but alot of work. It was a busy weekend, and Im glad its over. Well, better go hang with Bree and work on some of my knitting.

Wed June 23th
Well, I thought I was sleepy and tripping out. The couch shook and moved, Bree's exersaucer moved, and I heard some banging up stairs. Then I thought one of the cats went wild banging into things. Turned out we had an earthquake! It was somewhere in Quebec and was felt all over Ontario. So I wasnt going crazy, it did really happen! It was a 5.0 magnitude one, and something Id never felt before. Some people felt it, others didnt. I feel special I was one who did!

Fri June 25th
8 weeks!
Now the count is on... it was really dragging ion the beginning now I am already 8 weeks along. Ive still had sickness in the morning and sleepy in the afternoon. I just have to take it easy and get the rest if needed. My belly is bulging, cant suck it in anymore. I definetly feel pregnant.  I feel bad that I dont have the energy to do alot with Bree. I feel Im neglecting her in a way. But she seems happy and entertained. Monday I had my full prenantal check up. I look forward to it to see how things are progressing. Not so much on the pep test though... I wonder if Ill get to hear the heart beat yet? I think she did it at like 10 weeks last time... could be too early yet. Well, thats all for now just thought Id check in!

Mon June 28th
Today I had my full prenatal check up. It wasnt so bad, if they didnt have me wait so long! I had my weight checked, blood pressure, etc. Had a full physical, dont need to go into the details of that. Everything was fine. Everything feels and looks good. Doc said I was measuring about 6-7 weeks, not 8. But could just be I havent popped yet. All my previous bloodwork came back fine. She asked a million routine questions that seemed to take forever. But its good she is so thorough! I go back next month for my monthly check up. And get my first ultrasound as well. So the fun begins...

9 week baby bump #2
Thursday July 1st 2010