Sunday, January 8, 2012


Happy New Year!

It has been a good start to the year. I cant believe we are already one week in!

Kayden's 1st Christmas
Boxing Day 2011

In one month, my baby boy will be one year old. Where has the time gone? I did up his birthday invites yesterday. It felt as if it were yesterday that he was still wiggling around in my belly. Kayen is growing so much and doing so many new things. He crawls everywhere, and fast. He pulls himself up at everything and walks around the room. He has taken a couple steps going from one peice of furniture to another. He loves balls and cars and anything with wheels. He loves board books, mainly to chew on them and throw them. He has 6 teeth and he has a seventh that keeps trying to make an appearance but hasnt popped through yet. He is wearing clothes that range in size from 18 months to a toddler size one. I just cant fathom how huge he is! He is eating much more which I am really happy about. Cookies, crackers, a variety of pureed foods. He still isnt a fan of vegetables, just sweet potatoes, squash and pumpkin. He loves anything orange! Weird? He and his sister have already started battling it out. They fight over toys and yell at each other. Bree goes and hides from him most of the time. He bites her and pulls her hair. What a bully! He says a few things... dada, baba, bubba, and yells and screams to have himself heard. He also grunts at you and tries to have a contest and out grunt you. He is nuts! He goes next month for his one year well check. It will be interesting to see how he is doing. He is a big guy!

Christmas Eve 2011

Breeanna is doing exceptionally well. She just keeps busy each day with reading, colouring, playing, etc. She talks so much and says full sentences most of the time. She talks our ears off, but she sort of holds back with others. She has become very independent and likes to do alot of things herself. It kind of saddens me that she doesnt need me to as much. But it also makes me super proud at the same time! She has been in a gymnastics/dance class. She does awesome in dance, listens so well. It comes to end this week as she only had a few classes. The full season is a ridiculous price. I will be sure to enroll her in some day camps there though. I think I might get her into swimming as well. I want her to do some sort of activity and have her be around other kids. Its just some programs are so expensive! I dont see how they justify the cost for a three year old? She loves to "sing" amd play music. She is pretty entertaining! I know she will do something in music or the arts when she is older.

Well, thats about all I have to report on for now. Next month will be a busy one!