Friday, March 18, 2011

1 month baby well check

Kayden had his one month check-up on Wednesday. He definetly is my BIG BOY! He weighed in at 10 pounds and 9.5 ounces. Exactly 2 pounds heavier than his weight at birth. He is also 1 inch longer, putting him at 22 inches. He is above average for his weight and average for his height. His sight, hearing, reflexes etc. are all perfect! Thats about all to report. I had thought he was getting immunization shots already. But thats not until months 2-4-6-12 months... I was so worried about him getting them. I guess I can save my worry for next month!

5 weeks and 1 day old
March 17th 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

5 weeks

Kayden Christopher @ 4 weeks old

I meant to add a post 1 week ago when Kayden turned 1 month old. But he and his sister have been keeping me very busy. Alot has changed in a month. He eats much more, feeds off me then eats a few ounces of formula sometimes. I wanted to exclusively breastfeed, but he is just too hungry. He is a growing boy for sure! I already have a diaper box full of clothes he has outgrown. There were even some things he didnt get to wear. His sleeping habits have changed. He likes to be up alot more with us. He just doesnt want to miss anything! But thankfully he sleeps longer at night and we get a 3-5 hour stretch of solid sleep. I dont always sleep so well sometimes though because I wake up to check on him to be sure he is ok! He started smiling alot and laughing a few days ago. Its so cute to see him smile and giggle and let out funny little noises. He is such an entertaining little guy! He also now loves to be naked! He used to freak out when I changed his diaper or gave him a bath. Now he lays back and smiles and rolls his eyes in awe of being nude. Typical man! He has his 1 month well check tomorrow, so we will see how much he has grown and how well he is doing. Im curious to see what he weighs, I am pretty sure he is over 10 pounds now. He is my big boy! He gets his first shots and that is something I dont look forward to. I think it is harder on us than them... So, I will share more in a day or so.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pregnancy... What I Miss and Dont Miss!

What I Miss:
Feeling my baby wiggle in my belly.
Not having to shave my legs so often.
Thick, shiney, wavy hair.
Carrying my baby around with me.
Clear skin.
Seeing the doctor each week and knowing things were okay.
Hearing my baby's heart beat.
Knowing I was growing a life inside of me.
Eating whatever I wanted and not feeling guilty about it.
My husband catering to me hand and foot.

What I DONT Miss:
Not being able to see my feet.
Pelvic/back pain.
Sleepless nights.
The emotional rollercoaster I was on.
Not being able to hold and carry my toddler.
Having a  period again.
Not knowing who was living inside of me.
Not being able to enjoy a shower.
Getting up to pee 3-4 times a night.
Swollen feet.
Constipation, gas, cramps, heartburn...
Waddling like a duck.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I have a 3 week old!

Kayden Christopher @ 3 weeks old

Where does the time go? I cant believe Kayden is already 3 weeks old. It has been a wonderful 3 weeks. I am so glad he is here. He is such a great little guy. He is worth getting up at 3am and being peed on by. He is now a breasteeding champion! He wasnt too interested in it for a while. I was supplementing formula and pumping. But over the weekend, he decided he likes the boob better! It is much more convenient, and now I dont have to mix formula and wash bottles. It also makes me feel closer to him. Im glad Breeanna is such an understanding big sister. I was afraid she would be jealous of me holding and feeding him. But she understands he is a baby and needs that extra care. So, he is drinking lots and growing lots. I already have a stack of clothes he has outgrown or wasnt even able to wear. Its sad putting stuff away already knowing that is the last time it will be worn :( He sleeps very well, once he is sleeping. He likes to stay up alot through the day, I guess he doesnt want to miss out on anything. He sleeps very good at night, usually a 4-5 hour stretch. So then I am a happy Mommy as I get some solid sleep too! He has become very vocal. He growls and makes noises that sounds like a kitten. And he will get snorting like a little piggy too. He prefers to sit up in his bouncy, swing, or be propped up on the boppy pillow. He just likes to be part of the action! He and I have not ventured out on our own again. But I did go out with just the kids the other day. And we all survived! They are both good travellers and love car rides. Thank goodness! 

Big sister Breeanna and her baby brother Kayden

I am now very mobile, cant keep me still! I am so glad I have recovered. I was so happy I had a VBAC, yet so frustrated I had the other pain to deal with. I am now down 39lbs since giving birth. That puts me 13lbs below my pre pregnancy weight! It has been a long time since Ive been this low. I plan to still lose another 15-20lbs by summer. I really look forward to buying new clothes. Nothing fits! Its all too big, or maternity wear. I have been busy chasing after Bree as well as still eating less and eating healthy. I am planning on walking with the kids twice a day once this freezing weather stops. Spring cant get here soon enough!