Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Kayden & Breeanna


Kayden is 2 months old! Well... 9 weeks and 1 day to be exact :)

He had his 2 month well check today. He is 12lbs 1oz and 24 inches long now. I cant believe how big he is! He is soooooo much different then Breeanna. The doctor checked him thoroughly and he is spot on for everything. He is such an amazing little man. I am so blessed to have 2 healthy children. He got his 1st needles today. I was so scared for him. He didnt cry at first and I thought, what a trooper. But he built it up inside and let out the biggest scream. It made my heart jump. Then he had another one :( I cuddled him and fed him and he was good. So, now he doesnt go back until he is 4 months old in June.

He is a very happy baby. He smiles on demand and coos and makes the cutest sounds. He likes to sit up, isnt a fan of being on his back. He enjoys tummy time, and looks like he would get up and crawl if he could. He can scootch backwards a bit when he is on his tummy. He is eating alot, I cant even keep track anymore. But we know he is getting lots by how big he is getting and how much he pees and poops! He is sleeping longer at night, his longest stretch of sleep has been nearly 7 hours. I couldnt believe it! The hardest is when he gets up at 4am and doesnt want to go back to sleep. Ugh! He has small naps through the day. He likes to be up and watch us and do things with us. He is very nosey, doesnt want to miss out on anything! He loves car rides and walks. He just amazes me everyday and I am so proud he is my son and Im his Mommy!

Kayden Christopher
8 weeks old


She is 28 months 1 week and 1 day old (but who's counting?)

Breeanna is doing awesome! She amazes me everyday. She is just so smart, and she knows it! She is learning numbers and ABC's. She cant count to 6, but has a hard time remembering 4. She can say and reckognize quite a few letters. She loves animals, and can say their names and sounds. She is also a master at matching puzzles now. She loves to colour and draw. She is doing really well with drawing circles. Now that Spring is finally here, she loves to be outside. She is such a big girl now, she can get up and down the slide all by herself now. She has bonked her noggin a few times, but thats all part of growing up. She likes to go on walks with her Daddy. I just dont have the energy to carry her back if she gets tired! But we do go on "I GO's" (rides in the stroller) atleast twice a day. She is sleeping very well at night now. We have cut out her daytime nap and she goes to bed early and sleeps up to 12 hours a night sometimes. Its so nice having our nights back, and not fighting to get her to bed. She recently hadnt been quite herself. And we discovered she got her 2 year molars on the bottom! My baby girl is growing up so fast; too fast!

Breeanna May (aka marker face)
28 months old

Well, thats all for now...