Saturday, February 19, 2011

1st check-up and such...

1st check-up
Kayden had his first check-up with our family doctor on Thursday. It was also our first outing alone. We picked up Gramma though to help carry him and such. It was nice to get out! He was weighed and is back up to his birth weight of 8lbs 9oz. He was FINALLY measured and he is 21 inches long. He is my big boy, thats for sure. He was checked over thoroughly, and he is perfect from head to toe! His heart rate was around 140 beats per minute. Which is around what it was when he was inside... No need to go into every single detail as everything checked out a-okay!



We had to come home quickly that day, as Chris was very sick. He ended up with a terrible 1 day flu. And unfortunately, I got it too :( Mine was milder than his, but still terrible! Just as I was starting to feel better from giving birth, that set in. Were just hoping we didnt share it with anyone, especially the kidlets! So far, theyve been fine.

Weight Loss

On a good note, I am happy to announce my weight loss success! I gained 26 lbs throughout the pregnancy. As of 9 days after giving birth to Kayden, I lost 29lbs. Yay me!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Kayden's Birth Story

Kayden's Birth Story

I woke up on the morning of Tuesday February 8th 2011, feeling a little funny (around 8am). I was experiencing pains, I hadnt had before. Every 8 minutes or so, I would poke Chris to wake up. I could just feel it was finally the day! We got up as usual, had a coffee and something to eat. Then the pains began getting closer together. I figured we had lots of time... Chris dressed Breeanna and headed out to get his sister to come back here and stay with Bree. I finished packing my bag and had a bath. The bath was a BIG mistake! I figured it would make me feel better, help me relax, slow things down. But it only made it worse. By that time my contractions were about 5 minutes apart and lasted about a minute. Once Chris was back, I was ready to head out the door. I felt so bad, I didnt even hug Breeanna as we left :( The contractions got so strong that I only remember snippets of the car ride to the hospital and entering the hospital. When we checked in, my contractions were right on top of each other (1130am). They assessed me and didnt waste anytime getting me to the delivery room. I got changed, IV in, bloodwork done... They gave me gas for the pain and right away sent the request to get the epidural. I did very well with my breathing and getting through each contraction. My nurse, Roberta, was the best! Not much time had passed and my water broke on its own (1pm). What and odd sensation! Shortly there after, the anesthesialogist was there to insert my epidural, thank goodness! (2pm). It was so hard, sitting upright and trying to stay still as they inserted it. But I knew it was something that needed to be done. In no time at all I started to feel relief! I was then able to breath through the pressure of the contractions, focus, and rest up. I had finally reached 10cm dilation, woo hoo! (4pm). Baby was facing sunny side up, so we waited for him to turn. Then it was time to start pushing! I was so glad I was able to have this baby the natural way, I was so proud of myself! I had feared Id be a repeat c-section. But my body and the baby were both ready and knew what to do. I began pushing, it was so amazing seeing that little head of hair working its way out. I thought it would be gross to watch, but it was a miracle! I had an amazing coaching team- Dr. Lopez, nurse Roberta, Chris and my Mom. After about 35-45 minutes of pushing, my baby was here! Kayden Christopher arrived just in time for dinner like I had predicted earlier in the day. He was born at 5:01pm, weighing 8lbs 9.5oz and 21 inches long. He didnt cry very well at all and was taken to the ICU. It was hard not being able to hold and bond with him in those first moments of his life. But I wanted him to be ok. The doctors delivered my placenta and sac. I again thought it would be gross to see that, but decided to look at it. Its amazing what he grew in and lived off of for 9 months! I had a 2nd degree tear so the doctors repaired and stitched that up. I spent a couple hours in recovery while Kayden was being taken care of in the ICU. He got better and better as each moment passed. I felt so much better after having him, you soon forget the pain! I was taken to my room around 8pm, and Kayden joined me about a half hour later. Breeanna was there to meet her brother for the first time. She was so gentle with him, touched his face and "petted" his hand. The epidural began to wear off around midnight. I was able to sleep a little bit. Its very hard to be in a ward room with other mothers and babies. Around 5am, I started to feel extreme pain in my pelvic area. When I tried to move my legs to get out of bed I couldnt. It was so frustrating and painful! I had neuroligists, obstetrical people, and many interns visit and assess me. But no one could exactly figure out what was wrong. I felt like I was on an episode of "House"! So, I spent a few more days in hosital until I was a bit more mobile. We were released Friday after dinner. It was so nice to pack up, and head out of there and go home. Being in hospital that long feels like being in prison. The service was nice, the food was good, but there is no place like home. Breeanna slept over at my parents a few days. So it was nice to be home with my boys, rest and get settled. I used a walker for 2 days and lived upstairs. It was so hard not being able to get up and around and do things. But I had to recover... Having a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) was the best decision I ever made. It was amazing what my body and I was able to do. I am so happy to be a mother of two and be home with my babies.

Written: Friday February 18th 2011
By: Erika McInnis

Friday, February 4, 2011

Past due...

Well, I made it to my weekly check up yesterday. I had hoped I would have had this baby by now, and didnt have to go. The hubs went with me for once. Breeanna stayed with her Aunt Sarah and she was such a good girl! My sample was good, I gained 2oz (LOL!), and my blood pressure was up a wee bit again but nothing to cause alarm. Baby was super active, as always, and heartrate was 140 bpm again. I was "checked". No change really, still at 3-4cm although my cervix was nice and soft. What a compliment :) She really dug around in there and left me feeling very sore :( Good news is, if this baby doesnt come on his own in the next week, I will be induced for sure on February 9th. Yay! They just dont want me to go too long, with the progress I am making, as well as the blood pressure creeping up. Last night I had alot of back pain and contractions. But I think it was from the exam. This morning I had a "bloody show" which sort of had me concerned. But its to be expected... all part of the process. So we shall see when this little guy decides to come. Its all up to him at this point! I had figured hed be here by now, but now it feels like he never will! Its hard to believe, but by this point with Breeanna, I was home with a 2 week old baby! Well, thats all for now, just thought Id share and update you all :)