Saturday, May 7, 2011

Time is flying by!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. It will be my 3rd, well 4th actually...I concieved Breeanna in April 2008, she was here the next year, I concieved Kayden around this time last year, and now he is here.  I cant believe how fast time goes by! They are such amazing little people and I am so blessed to have them in my life. I am so happy they chose me to be their mother in this life.

Mommy loves you Breeanna May and Kayden Christopher!

Kayden will be 3 months old tomorrow. I cant believe it! He is such a big boy. He is wearing 6 month size clothes. His size 1 diapers all of a sudden became too small. I will finish off this last pack, then graduate him to a size 2. He has really chubbed up this last month. Big bum, big hams, sausage arms... He sleeps about a 7 hour stretch at night now. Its so nice! I just have to train myself to sleep when he sleeps. He loves to be up at 4-5am and just coo and giggle. I dont enjoy that very much... he is lucky he is so cute! He is drinking 6-8 ounces at each feeding. And he sucks it back in no time. I dont know where he puts it all. He loves going for walks and car rides. The motion soothes him and he gets to see new things and get lots of fresh air. He is mesmerized by his hands and sucks them all the time. He isnt much of a fan of soothers, which is fine with me. He also loves to make faces and stick his tongue out. He is my main source of entertainment these days.

Easter Day
Kayden and his new buddies!

Breeanna is in a growth spurt. All of a sudden she seems really tall. Alot of her pants that were falling down are now fitting in the waist and getting short. She looks like she is getting ready for a flood! She graduated to size 5 diapers last month. I just cant get over how big she is. She is no longer my little baby, she is my big girl! My mom bought her some underwear and we have tried her in those. The longest she lasted was just over 2 hours with no accidents. Thats a pretty good start! She seems afraid of the potty. I think we will get her another potty so she has a couple to do the deed on. She knows when she has to poo or pee. She just has to realize to tell us and get on the potty. She is only drinking a bottle of milk or two a day. She is still attached to that. She will not drink milk out of anything else. And its a part of her night time ritual, so it will be hard to break. Her molars on the bottom have really broken through. I dont see the top ones making an appearance yet. She loves to gnaw on food on those teeth. As well as she will chew on a blanket once in a while. It must feel good! She loves to colour and draw pictures. She is getting better at speaking and communicating what she wants. She will disappear in her toyroom and read books. She will even sing to me :) She is just so amazing!

Breeanna and her Easter Treats!
(She was sick at Easter, and pretended she was eating her treats )

We will be moving to a new home soon. We are getting the keys sooner than we thought. So it will be nice to move in there gradually and be able to fix and clean this place up without feeling rushed. I look forward to decorating each of the kids rooms. I think we will do Bree's room fairies and flowers. As well as get her in a big girls bed. We will do Kayden's room animal themed and he will then get the crib. I look forward to getting out of the city and back into the country. There is just so much more to do. And the kids will get to play outside with us having no fear. It will be good for Breeanna and her development. She loves to be outside to discover new things. And I think it will be good for our mental health and marriage as well. The city can get to you, and its just not for us. Its a nice place to visit, but not live.

So, cheers to new beginnings!