Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 2010

August 26th 2010

I havent written in so long! August has been a busy, crazy month!

We were so pre occupied looking for a new place to live. We did find a new wonderful home in the city. We moved mid month. It was a crazy time and I was so happy when it was over. We have been doing lots of work to the place. As well as trying to find room for everything.

Breeanna May turned 20 months old this month. I cant believe she is so close to being 2 years old. What happened to my baby? She is walking tons, and running too. Its so funny watching her try. She says so many words now, I have lost count. She is especially fond of B-words. Ball, bird, bottle, bun, bug... She picks up on something new everyday. She smacks her lips, blows kisses, gives high 5, shakes your hand, and tries to whistle. She is just so smart and amazes me everyday! She is moving on up to 24 month clothes. Her shirts are all getting small and her pants short. She has had a growth spurt! She sleeps all night, as usual. And hasnt gotten up through the night in the longest time. She is still in her crib... she hasnt tried escaping so we wont get her a big girl bed until she tries. She has no interest in the potty, but she does know when she is going in her diaper. She would rather sit on the potty with a book, than actually do anything in it LOL!

Baby in my belly is doing very well. It is about the size of an avacado now. Its amazing how fast it grows! I am 17 weeks along now, time seems to fly by all of a sudden. I am showing a bit, but not as much as last time. I think maybe its low and nestled in towards my back. I have been having lots of back and hip pain. Just everything moving around in there and making room. I had my monthly check up last week, and everything is good. I only gained .4 lbs... We were able to find baby very easily this time around and heard the heartbeat. It sounded like a washing mashine swooshing away! Healthy rate of 140 beats her minute.

Well, thats all for now, thought Id update as Ive neglected this blog badly. Talk to you soon!