Monday, August 15, 2011

6 months!

Kayden turned 6 months old last week.

Today he had his 6 month well check. He weighs 18 pounds now and is 28 inches long. So he falls into the 50th percentile on weight and 90th for height. Such a big boy!! He has more than doubled in 6 months time, weight wise. Everything else checked out perfect, of course! The doctor isnt too concerned about him not liking food. As long as he drinks plenty, thats still fine. I thought he was gonna be my eater! He did the best yet with getting shots. The nurses tag teamed him so it wasnt as bad. He let out one long loud scream. Then once he caught his breath he was fine. He goes back in 3 months time to see how he is doing then. I am so blessed to have two healthy children. Theyve never had anything other than common colds.

Kayden had his photo shoot Saturday. He did so well! He even sat up straight longer than usual. Such a poser! I bought LOTS of pictures, how could I refuse? They come back the end of the month. I cant wait to share them with everyone.

My big boy and I

Breeanna and I went on a "date" yesterday. We dont get out much, so I thought it would be nice for her and I to get out do something together. We had lunch at Burger King. She had her own meal and a big hamburger. She felt pretty special! She sat beside me in a booth and was such a big girl. Its amazing to see her transition from highchair to seat, and eating her own food rather than sharing. We then went to Adventures on Wonderland. Its a big indoor playground with climbing tubes, ball pits, slides, etc. I just let her run loose and she had a blast. I actually lost her at one point. For about 5 minutes I was in panic mode cuz I couldnt find her! But she was just fine, she climbed one level up and came down the slide. She was pretty proud! She won a ball and had a treat. It was just so nice to get out with her and have her special time with me. She is an amazing little girl and I am proud of who she is becoming :)

My big girl riding on a "gingy" (aka horse)
at Adventures on Wonderland.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I cant believe its August already! I would have to say this is one of my most favourite months. It is well into summer, but it begings to cool off and become more bareable. I love heat, but it is no fun for young children. We plan to get away this month, to the zoo or something.

Nearly 6 months old, August 5th 2011

Kayden turned 6 months old yesterday. It feels just like yesterday he and I were hanging out in the hospital and he was just a day old. Time sure flies, especially when you have two kids keeping you busy. Kayden is such a big boy, I still cant get over that. I went through his clothes again and filled half a diaper box with things he has out grown. He is in 9 and 12 month clothing, anything smaller is just too tight on him and he looks squished. He drinks alot, about 5-6 8ounce bottles a day. When he is hungry, he is hungry NOW! I have tried him on rice cereal, prunes, apple sauce and yogourt. But he has absolutely no interest in any of it. As soon as that spoon gets near him he is making faces and pushing it away. Here I thought with him being so big and a big formula drinker, he would love food! I will keep trying and see where it leads us. He will hold an animal cracker or mum mum in his hand and play with them, but he wont eat it. He has been in size 4 diapers a while now. He and his sister wear the same size! He is sleeping all night, he has been a while now. He has been going to bed later than usual though. But I like once he goes to bed, cuz then he is out for the night. There is the ocassional night he will get up for a drink or diaper change, but its very rare. He loves to go outside and have tummy time on a blanket on the lawn. He actually passed out yesterday and had an hour long nap. Fresh air does a baby good! He loves to sit up in the stroller and tour around the property, checking out the sights. He loves all his little toys; chain link, rattles, little board books, etc. Anything and everything ends up in his mouth! I am sure he has been teething. For months now I have seen the little tooth buds wanting to pop out. Lately he has been especially grumpy. Tylenol, Ambesol, wet washcloths and my hand have been his favourites. I just wish they would pop through already! He has his 6 month photo shoot this Saturday. I look forward to him posing, smiling and being a ham for the cam-era! Next Monday he has his 6 month well check. I wonder what he weighs? I will share those experiences once they have been had!

This is what Kayden thinks of food...

Breeanna is doing very well! She is also growing like crazy. She is so tall and thin. She is mainly in size 2T and 3T in clothing. She shares a size 4 diaper with her brother. It makes shopping for diapers much easier. Buy one big box every couple weeks and were set. Potty training is at a stand still. She knows when she has to go and holds it in a while. But she just wont go on the potty! She feels special when she is in underwear, but just has too many accidents. We will try again in a couple weeks and see how it goes. She is talking like crazy! I am amazed by what she knows and what she can say. Its really quite funny with what she comes out with. She renamed our big cat Stubbs to Bobby (he has a bob tail). She calls my Mom Gamma and my Dad Bumpa. She calls her cousin Noah Boo Boo. She calls horses and bunnies Gingy. Where do they come up with this stuff?! She loves her books and likes to draw and use stickers. My biggest pet peeve is she bites her crayons and tears of peices of paper and eats it. I think she mainly does it to annoy us and get a reaction out of us. It just drives me crazy! She enjoys her time outside, she likes to play with the dog and cat. They could keep each other busy for hours! We bought her a pool a few weeks ago, but she really has no interest in it. She would rather stand outside of it and splash in it than get in it and play. Weird?!

My big beautiful girl Breeanna

A few weeks ago, I took a fall down our side steps. I was carrying Kayden at the time, and went down hard. I held him with all my might so he wouldnt get hurt and I ended up spraining my right ankle. It hurt so bad at the time. I spent nearly 3 hours in emerge only to have them tell me what I already knew. Ice it, take ibuprofen and keep it elevated. Luckily, I didnt bust it too bad and was still able to hobble around on it. You sure take for granted when you are well. I dont wish any kind of pain on anyone. Hurting my foot was more an inconvenience than actual pain. I couldnt carry my kids for days, get up and down stairs well, drive for a week! Ugh... I am so glad I am better. Thankful to my Mom for watching the kids and my husband for doing more around here to help out.

Well, time for another coffee to keep up with my monkeys. Its a rainy dreary day. So it will be filled with crafts, movies and snuggles. We have yet to get dressed... Catch you later!