Friday, November 26, 2010

10 weeks, more or less

I cant believe I am 30 weeks pregnant. That leaves me 10 weeks to go, more or less. Im scared, yet excited at the same time! Yesterday I had my monthly check up. I got the referral to my new doctor at the hospital I will be delivering at. Was asked a gazillion questions! Received a requisition for my glucose test. My sugars have been "perfect" all along, so I hope I pass that test. My blood pressure and weight gain was good- gained 3 lbs in 6 weeks. The doctor measure my belly, at a whopping 36 weeks! I measured big with Bree too, but she was only 7lbs 3oz. I am short and have a short torso so... Baby was wiggling all over, but the doctor was able to feel where he was laying, head down and to the right. His heart rate was 150 beats per minute, and sounded like a gallopping horse! So everything is going wonderfully! I now start going for check ups every 2 weeks, instead of once a month. Its pretty exciting!

29 week belly

Bree is doing awesome as well. She is definetly developing her own personality. She is talking up a storm and comes up with the funniest things. She likes certain dolls and toys. She insists on going outside all the time. We have to hide her coats and shoes so she doesnt constantly try and put them on and go for an "i go".
For a bit there, she wasnt eating much and sleeping lots. I think she was going through a growth spurt. Now she constantly eats! Thank goodness she has her fathers metabolism. She goes in a few weeks for her 2 year check up. I will know then how much she weighs and how long she has gotten. She isnt my baby anymore, she is my little girl. But thankfully, she still has her baby moments where she wants to cuddle. Next weekend is her birthday party, Im pretty excited for that! I just cant believe she will be 2 already. Where has the time gone?!

Monday, November 1, 2010

November, already?

I am so sorry, I cant believe it has been 6 weeks since I posted last. I am just so busy with other things that I dont get the time to sit down and add to this blog.
Breeanna May
Breeanna is 1 week and 1 month away from being a 2 year old. I cant believe it! Where has the time gone? She is no longer a baby, she is my little lady. She amazes us everyday, she is just so smart and sweet. She comes out with a few new words each day. She is all about animal sounds right now, and lately she growls like a big jungle cat. She had gone off the bottle for a while, and was almost drinking no milk at all. But I think she was missing it, and will only drink milk from a bottle. So she has about 2 a day. We really hope by her 2nd birthday she has given them up, as well as the dreaded soother. She has never had a favourite toy or blankie, so I think those are her security items.
We had a wonderful Halloween, she was Pegasus. She did really well at walking door to door getting her treats.


The baby in my belly is doing amazing. I will soon be 27 weeks along, its so hard to believe this pregnancy has gone by so fast! We found out a couple weeks ago that we are expecting a baby BOY! I wasnt sure how I would react to the news, but when I found out, I cried! We will get our million dollar family :) Id just like the million dollars to go along with it!

25 week baby boy bump

Well thats all for now, I promise I will start to try posting at least once a week now.