Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tooth becomes Teeth!


Kayden- 7.5 months old

Kayden popped his first tooth yesterday which was September 24th. Today he woke with a second tooth! So he has two teeth! His mouth has been driving him (and me) mad for months. Im glad they finally decided to make an appearance. He looks so different with those two little teeth. My not so little boy is growing way too fast!

We also bought him a new car seat. He is pushing the 22 pound mark and is too big for the infant seat. I was getting sick of lugging that thing around anyways. He looks so much more comfortable in the bigger seat.

He is eating much more now. He loves cookies, sweet potatoes, oatmeal cereal and blueberries. Everything else he spits out or makes a face. I cant believe how picky he is!


Breeanna- 2.5 years old

Breeanna is doing well. She is talking so much now. I love that I can have a conversation with her. I can ask her questions and she answers. And she asks for things. I love that we have crossed that barrier. She was getting so frustrated that we didnt understand her. She knew what she was talking about! So I hope we can soon try potty training again. We havent much planned this week, so I think we will start tomorrow.

I am really excited about taking her to the Ilderton Fair next weekend. They have a parade and a bunch of cool events. She didnt really get to appreciate the fair last year. She was too small to do much. This year she will be all over. We are hoping to find a frog this week, and enter her in the frog race. My husband thinks Im crazy. But its things like this that make the best memories!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Num Num

Kayden is finally eating FOOD!
Today he has had as follows:
Morning bottle of formula.
Bottle of formula with rice ceral mixed in.
Lunch- blueberries, banana pudding and a cookie.
Bottle of formula.
Bottle of formula with rice cereal mixed in.
Thats it so far...
Such a big boy! He wanted nothing to do with food a month ago. Just getting it near his face made him gag. It just took him a while to get the hang of it. But there are many things he spits out. Apples, banana, peas... He loves fruit and cookies. Its a start and thats what matters.

Breeanna on the other hand is a totally different story.
Somedays she eats non-stop. Other days she is like a little bird. A bite of apple, 3 raisins, a piece of cheese, a peanut. She likes to sit in her chair and watch me prepare dinner. Hits the table and says "mmm nummy". But then once I dish up her plate and present it to her she doesnt want it. Argh! But, as long as she is atleast eating something is what matters. Its if she wasnt eating at all that I would be really concerned about.

Kayden and Breeanna
September 2011
(As close to a decent shot I could get of the two of them, they were not cooperating)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The seventh month!

Guess who is seven months...

It was seven months ago today, I was in extreme pain working on getting a baby out of me! Thankfully, that is a pain you soon forget. And thankfully there is such a thing as an epidural! I cannot believe how fast the time goes by. Kayden is such a big baby, I barely remember him being tiny and under ten pounds in weight. Today, he is pushing twenty pounds and is fitting in twelve month clothing. He eats around six full bottles a day. Two of those bottles are mixed with rice cereal. He despises eating any sort of food. I have tried nearly everything on him. He will lick a bit of strawberry puree and keep it down. Everything else seems to repulse him! Here I was thinking he would be eating everything in sight with being such a big boy and all. We will just keep trying and eventually he will eat more. He loves being on the loose on the floor. He will roll, and wiggle and scrunch himself up to move all around. He has yet to crawl... he can get up on his arms and do push ups and he can get up on his knees. But he is just so chunky that he cant get his middle up and on all fours. I know he will soon, then I will wish he was still immobile! He can sit up in the boppy or Bumbo or propped up with pillows. But he is such a wobbly guy he will fall over unassisted. He loves to watch Mickey Mouse and Tangled. Rapunzel is his girlfriend, he just drools over her- literally!

Happy to announce that sweet potato at lunch today was a hit with Kayden. Yay!!

Someone likes tummy time!
Kayden- 7 months old

My lil miss...

Breeanna is doing very well. It is hard to believe that in a years time she will be preparing to start school! I am excited yet scared for her to be at that point. She amazes me everyday with what she is learning. She is a sponge and soaks up everything! She is now learning numbers and letters. Animals now have names and arent just sounds anymore. If she flips through a book or magazine she points out everything she reckognizes. She fills her days with reading, colouring, waching shows, playing outside... As long as she is busy and happy; Im happy! We have been trying to find an activity for her to be in. But everything is just insanely expensive! How do these places think the average family can afford it? I hope to try and get her to playgroup a couple times a month just to get her around other children and interact. She needs that stimulation. I fear she is bored of us and her surroundings at times. She is definetly becoming her own person. I still cant believe how much she has changed in this small amount of times. She is an amzing little girl!

Breeanna and Kayden
September 2011