Friday, July 22, 2011

What Am I?

I am a stay at home mom. Some people seem to think that is the easiest job ever! All I can say to that is HA! This assumption usually comes from single people, married people without children, and older people who have grown children. Being a mother to 2 children under the age of 3 is not easy! For example, I was only able to write this much in my blog entry due to the fact my 5 month old son is screaming his head off because he wants to be fed. Be back later...

A day later!

Anyways, this is not an easy "job". It is the most rewarding job I have had though. Getting to see my children grow is a privilidge some parents dont get to enjoy. We have made many sacrifices as a family to do so. The pay sucks! But I am paid in love from these 2 little munchkins.

I would like to share with you what my day consists of:

Waking for the day, anywhere between 5 and 8am. Sleeping until 8am is sleeping in to me. I never get past that time. My children are my alarm clock. I cant recall the last time I have woke to an actual alarm clock ringing in my ears. Most mornings, I am up with my son immediatly. He wants to eat NOW, so I dont get to brush my teeth, hair, wash my face. Im lucky if I get to pee! Once he is fed and changed, I sit him down to watch his best pal, Mickey Mouse. I then get to freshen up and get a coffee. My daughter may get up at any point after he does. I may get 2 minutes or an hour to myself. But it isnt really to myself. The dog needs let out, need to get laundry on, breakfast in me, dishes done up from the night before, etc. Then once Bree is up, its get her a drink, breakfast, dressed... Then its time to play, read, learn, play dress up, play tag, or whatever it takes to entertain her. Kayden usually has a nap, but that is short lived courtesy of his noisy big sister. If I dont mange to get my shower in before Bree wakes, I somedays dont get it until snack time. At which point I will set Bree up with a snack or colouring so I can sneak in for a quick shower. On those days, I never feel clean and refreshed. Then before I know it, Kayden is up. Wanting to eat and play. The rest of the morning and afternoon consists of eating, cleaning, playing, changing bums, wiping up messes, kissing boo boos, and more! If Bree has a nap that is pure bliss! And if Kay overlaps a nap with hers, thats heaven! I then take that time to fold laundry, clean up from lunch, play a few games on line and catch up on emails, paying bills, making phone calls... and have another coffee. By then, its time to get supper on and wait for Chris to arrive home. You would think that once my husband came home I would get a break. Not the case. He has his own things to do, shower after a long day, eat, do chores of his own. Some nights I get out! But its to go grab a few groceries or have a play date... Then comes bath time and bedtime for the kids. Kayden is a super sleeper at night, so usually by 8 or 9pm he is in bed for the night. But with Bree, she may go to bed at 8pm or midnight! So there is book reading, cuddling, movie watching, etc until she is sleepy. Some nights she insists I go to bed with her to cuddle. I dont know if she just loves the cuddley alone time or she is afraid o be alone? But those moments are worth it!

Not to mention, my day is far from quiet. Someone is always crying, whining, yelling, talking, singing, playing music, banging on pots, hiccuping, farting, laughing... best sounds in the world, for the most part.

I always have someone clinging to me. Whether it be Bree on my keg or my lap. Kayden being carried around on one arm and hip while I attempt to get things done.

Once my head finally hits the pillow at night, I am exhausted. Im lucky if I get 5 or so hours sleep total.

Anyways... the jist of telling you what my day consists of is its far from easy and relaxing. If you would like to say it is then you are more than welcome to come and stay with my kids for a day and see just how easy it is. I applaud my fellow mommies and join in your joy of being a Mother. I would rather clean dirty bums and have sleepless nights than get up each day and go out to "work".

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


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Breeanna wanted to say HI!

It has been 2 weeks now since we started taking Breeanna's soother away. At first she would just have it at naptime and bedtime. Then it was just at bedtime. She was going through a phase where she would steal Kayden's soothers. She was just trying to be funny and annoying. Well, last night she went to bed with out her soother and did just fine! So hopefully this is it! Kayden isnt really a fan of soothers, he would much rather suck his hands or his blankie. So maybe this is the end of soothers in our household? It would be nice. Now onto bottles, she just has one in the morning and one at night. We have still tried milk in a sippy cup and she refuses it. She will just have to do without soon. She is doing pretty well at drinking things out of a regular cup, a wee bit of milk included. Just have to let go and take things away from them totally for them to get over it. The whining and crying and begging was the hardest part of it all. When your child is like that, you just want to give them something to take that problem away. It took Chris a while to stick to the rules as well. He just wanted to give her whatever she craved to shut her up. She has him wrapped around her little finger and he gives in easily.

Hard to believe, but both kids are in the same size diaper! They both can wear a size 4 Pamper. Isnt that crazy?! Breeanna is tall and thin and has a skinny little butt. Kayden is big and chunky and has a big butt! Its nice to buy one big box and have them share rather than buying 2 different kinds.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Little Rockstar

Kayden got a hair cut this past weekend. By me! His hair was falling out in the back. It was all frizzy and patchy. It looked quite pathetic. I wanted to fix it somehow and make it look somewhat presentable. I started buzzing the back, and got half way and got scared and didnt know what to do with it. My husband suggested taking it all off, or a mowhawk. I couldnt get rid of all his baby hair, so a mohawk it was! He sat so still, considering he is such a wiggly little man. Once I was done, I couldnt get over how cute and cool it was. It totally suits him! I found people either loved it or hated it. I dont really care what the haters think. It is hair. It will grow back. He is a boy. Both my kids were born with plenty of hair and there is lots to play with. And it grows extremely fast. So what if he is 5 months old and has a mowhawk? He is the coolest and sweetest looking 5 month Ive ever laid my eyes on. Anyways, I just wanted to share this milestone.
Kayden- 5 months old
Rocking his new doo!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

For Caylee

I was deeply saddened yesterday to hear that Caylee Anthony's muderer got away with her death. Justice was not served in this case. The only one who suffered through all of this, is that poor little girl.

I love my children so much that words cant even describe it. I cried the moment I found out I was pregnant. My heart skipped beats when I felt my child move inside me. The day they were born was the best days of my life. To hold them, and look into their eyes and know that they were mine was the best thing ever. Knowing they need me to grow and become who they are is the most precious gift. Cuddles, and kisses, and hugs and loving is the best thing ever.

Last night, I hugged my daughter alot tighter and gave her more kisses than usual. At one point she even pushed me away a bit and said "dont Momma" and laughed. And I said I will hug her and kiss her as hard and as much as I want until the day I die.

I just dont understand how a parent can harm their child? We gave them life, and are to be the ones to keep them from harms way. I feel bad when I have to tap my daughters fingers to keep her from doing something that may hurt her. I have yelled at her when she is into trouble or doing something that might harm her. Then I feel so bad after the fact that I hug and kiss her and apologize.

My heart aches for those who have ever lost a child. Whether it be at the hands of some sick person, disease, or by accident. No childs life should be taken so early. Caylee was only 2 years old! She was just becoming who she was meant to be- playing, reading, talking, colouring, etc. She would have been 5 now, in school, making frends, just being a kid.

Rest in Peace Sweet Angel xo

Monday, July 4, 2011

Cold turkey

Today is the first day of working on getting Breeanna to give up two things...
I have tried in the past but it has been complete horror! Screaming, crying, hitting (me), yelling (her), etc. But, Ive had enough. She is less than 6 months away from being three years old. I would have liked to have had her off both things around the age of one. She was doing really well with having no milk in her bottle in the new year. But since her brother arrived and he has bottles, its been a downward spiral. As with the soothers, she was doing really well without them too. Usually at nap time and bedtime, and sometimes in the car. But she is a big girl and doesnt need to depend on either for comfort. So, she had milk in a bottle when she woke up this morning and nothing since. I gave her milk in a cup, and she barely touched it. I offered it to her again and told her she was getting her milk in that now, not a bottle she did drink about half of it. Soother has been hiding all day and she hasnt had it since last night. It will be hard, but we just have to stick with it and be firm with it. Daddy seems to cave into her needs the easiest. I think the most battle is going to be between him and I and sticking with this change. He is a sucker, and would much rather do something to stop her from whining. But it is time for her to be a big girl!

We celebrated Canada Day this past weekend. Here are my two beauties dressed in their red and white.

Breeanna and Kayden
July1st 2011